Page 30 - Waterfall City Issue 5 May 2023
P. 30

Waterfall City Today’s Child

        child and situation. There cannot be   life creates the context where behaviour   However, I would caution you to beware
        a “one approach fits all” policy. We   is learnt. However, to approach the   of these four parenting styles. As
        need to be constantly cognisant of the   problem of bullying from this perspective   people, we are judgemental. We need
        fact that behaviour is learned – and   only results in a blame game. When it   to understand. So, l will oversimplify
        therefore, behaviour can change.    comes to parenting styles, we need to   the styles for the purpose of digging
                                            approach things gently.             into why the parents are parenting in
        The causes of bullying are systemic.                                    that style. In so doing, the intervention
        Bullying happens within a system and   It is true that discipline starts in the   becomes that much easier because we
        the system reinforces the process of   home, but the tendency to blame the   understand the process.
        bullying.  Bullying therefore serves a   parents is too pervasive. Naturally,
        function both internally and externally   parents are going to be defensive   Research tells us that authoritarian
        for the child. It is at this level that we   because they are being blamed. A   and permissive parenting styles are
        need to intervene and uncover the “why”   defensive approach has little value in   linked directly to bullying behaviours.
        in the child’s behaviour.           terms of change. We often see that in a   Interestingly, they are at opposite ends
                                            parent-teacher meeting some parents   of the continuum: “Do whatever you
        Children who exhibit inappropriate   come in threatening the staff – and it’s   like” versus “You will do what I say”.
        bullying behaviour are generally lacking   the same way that their particular child   Strict parenting and an absence of strict
        in empathy, show poor modulation or   behaves.                          parenting may both result in bullying
        regulation and poor social reasoning, and                               behaviour.
        display communication difficulties. If we   Parents, if this is you, you need to
        address these issues, the behaviour tends   understand that this does very little to   •  Authoritarian parenting style – “Do it
        to change.                          help your child. It actually reinforces the   because I say so”
                                            view that the child is the “problem” and   There is no questioning, no
        Bullying is symptomatic of a deficit.   you are where the problem originates.   understanding. There is punishment. The
        Disciplining a bully will not change the                                child must be punished for wrongdoing.
        system as the underlying reasons are not   Our parenting styles are influenced by   There is no flexibility, and no modelling
        being addressed.                    the way we were parented. However,   of flexibility or growth so the child can
                                            talks on parenting styles neglect to   learn to be flexible and to grow as a
        Parenting styles                    take culture into account. Practices of   person. It is a linear and rigid approach.
        I often hear this about bullying: “It’s learnt   discipline are largely cultural, too. And
        behaviour from home.”  Yes, the home   there is a generational influence as well.   •  Permissive parenting style – parents
                                                                                 who struggle to be authoritarian or
                                            We assume that we can approach life in   authoritative in any kind of a way
                                            the same way our parents did, but we   These are scared parents. It is
                                            cannot. That life does not exist anymore.   overwhelming and daunting for them
                                            The current reality is far more complex   to be a parent. They need to take a step
                                            and convoluted than in the past.    back and stop trying to be the child’s
                                                                                friend because this results in a child
                                            Psychologists tend to focus on four   without boundaries, a child who does
                                            main parenting styles: permissive,   not know where things begin and end.
                                            authoritative, neglectful and
                                            authoritarian. These styles are used in   Boundaries
                                            child psychology today and are based   It is a child’s role to push the
                                            on the work of Diana Baumrind, a    boundaries, and it is our job as parents
                                            development psychologist, and Stanford   to push back. A child does not push the
                                            researchers Eleanor Maccoby and John   boundaries because he or she wants
                                            Martin.                             them to fail. Their role is to test the
                                                                                boundaries, to test your resolve; it’s
                                            Each parenting style has different effects   as if they are saying: “Are you going to
                                            on children’s behaviour and can be   give in or are you going to be strong?
                                            identified by certain characteristics as   Because if you are strong, then I can go
                                            well as degrees of responsiveness (the   on and explore the world and test the
                                            extent to which parents are warm and   next boundary.”
                                            sensitive to their children’s needs) and
                                            demandingness (the extent of control   The child is testing their space. “Where
                                            that parents put on their children in an   am I safe and where am I not safe? Where
                                            attempt to influence their behaviour).  are mom and dad sure and where are

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