Page 10 - Energize April 2021
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OBITUARY                                                                        SABS_Energize_70x297_GAS_04-2021.pdf   1   2021/04/12   20:11

       Obituary: Gary Willis,

       sales director, First Cut

        by Andrew Poole and Ian McCrystal, First Cut

            he management and staff of
            First Cut, together with local and
        Tinternational colleagues, mourn
        the loss of First Cut’s sales director Gary
        Willis, who passed away on Thursday
        evening 1 April, at the age of 51. Gary
        fought an 18-month battle with cancer
        very bravely, remaining resolutely positive
        until the end.
           Since starting work in his late father’s
        tungsten carbide tool tip business                                         SABS_energize_04/2021
        in 1990, Gary garnered a wealth of
        experience in the industrial tool sector, in
        the supply of cutting consumables and,
        latterly, in the retailing of do-it-yourself
                                                                                   75 Years of dedication
        (DIY) tools.
           Gary had a 25-year history        Gary Willis                    M      to Quality Compliance
        with First Cut, with some 15 years
        in a senior management position,     benefit of his team. Because of this   Y  SABS  operates  under  the  guidance  of  a
        culminating in his position as sales   character trait, Gary was uniformly   CM  Professional  Scientist  and  an  accredited  full
        director, heading up the Consumables   trusted and respected by all. Gary will   MY  member of International Committee for Coal
        division. He took his role and       indeed be sorely missed by the staff   and Organic Petrology (ICCP).
        contribution to the business – and   and management of First Cut.          • SCAP
        the industry as a whole – extremely    Gary leaves his wife Katy, daughter   • CBAP
        seriously, was highly diligent and   Lauren, his mother and his brother   K  • DOMVR
        always thought deeply about his      David. He was a dedicated family man,
        responsibilities.                    was loving and highly protective over   Analysis on Shale The awarding of Dispersed
           In his approach to business, Gary   his family; and always focused on their   Organic   Matter   Accreditation   Program
        had a “hands-on”, practical approach   safety and well-being. He put the loves   (DOMVR) to SABS Petrology Laboratory places
        which was very logical and measured,   of his life – Katy and Lauren – first.  Our   the laboratory in a unique position to participate
        with a talent for dealing with the detail.   thoughts and prayers go to his family   in  the  shale  gas  space.  This  enables  the
        These skills really came to the fore when   during this very difficult time.  laboratory  to  participate  in  the  potential
        implementing sales strategy. Gary’s    It has been an honour and privilege   development of the shale gas industry in Africa,
        characteristically careful and consistent   working with and getting to know   in particular the southern part of the continent
        approach contributed substantially to the   Gary over the past 25 years. We   (South  Africa).  The  DOMVR  accreditation
        successful management of First Cut’s   complemented one another’s strengths   program  enables  SABS  to  offer  the  following
        Consumables division – very much the   and weaknesses, forming a close and   analyses in shale gas space:
        “heart” of the business.             cohesive partnership with much mutual   • Random Reflectance analysis on shale
           He was also always well prepared,   synergy and benefit. He was both a   • Maceral analysis on shale
        whether for an Exco meeting, a meeting   colleague of the highest order and a
        with a customer or his weekly Friday   genuine friend. We worked hard together,   Other geochemical analysis SABS offers:
        afternoon sales meetings. When making   we laughed, we celebrated, we dug deep   • Total carbon,• Total organic carbon (TOC)
        suggestions and decisions, he always   when necessary – but most of all we   • Total inorganic carbon
        considered the well-being of his staff, his   enjoyed and valued his company.    n  • Total Sulphur
                                                                                   • X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
        customers, and his suppliers.
           He was always open – ear, heart,   Contact First Cut, Tel 011 614-1112,   Book your Lab
        and mind – to the people around him,                     Appointment
        and he listened carefully, considering                                              NOW
        everyone’s viewpoints calmly and     Ed: The management and staff of
        with sensitivity. He was a highly loyal   Energize extend their condolences to   0861 277 227
        manager, fighting robustly for the   Gary’s family and colleagues.
                                                                               SCAN & BOOK

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