Page 5 - Energize April 2021
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        Thoughts on South Africa’s “emergency” power purchase tender       1
                                                                                  Copyright of all material appearing in energize
                                                                                  is vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In
        COVER STORY                                                               submitting any article for publication, the
        Realising a carbon-neutral world through sustainable methods       4      authors confirm that they own the copyright to
                                                                                  the said article, which  is ceded to EIA Publishing
        ADVERTORIAL                                                               (Pty) Ltd for publication. The editor  reserves
        For high quality thermal detectors, cores, modules and cameras     6      the right to edit or shorten articles submitted
                                                                                  for  publication. Editing and/or shortening is
        OBITUARY                                                                  done with due dilligence,  where necessary in
        Obituary: Gary Willis, sales director, First Cut                   8      conjuction with the author(s).
                                                                                     No part of this publication may be
                                                                                  reproduced, or stored in a  retrieval system,
        NEWS                                                                      or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
        Eskom’s ten-year transmission development plan                     9
                                                                                  except  as described below, without the written
        Pioneering the Avifauna zero loss programme                        10     permission of EIA Publishing  (Pty) Ltd. Copying
        Ultra-clean marine fuel from non-recyclable plastic waste          11     of articles is not permitted except for personal
        Demolition is a critical part of the construction cycle            12     and internal use, to the extent permitted by
        Zero compromise pneumatic surface rock drill                       13     South African law.  Permission is not required
        Merging of operations for specialised alloy and stainless-steel solutions   14  to make abstracts, on condition that a full
        Renewable energy PPA to reduce GHG emissions                       14     reference to the source is shown. Requests for
        Optimised maintenance agreement supports growth ambitions          15     permission for other  kinds of copying should be
                                                                                  addressed to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Screw-in temperature sensors                                       15
        New miniature circuit breakers for the SA market                   16     Disclaimer
        All-in-one computer cabinet offers wide-ranging protection         17
                                                                                  Articles published in energize do not
        Flood sensors of choice                                            17     necessarily reflect the views of  EIA Publishing
        Handheld scanner enhances digital engineering skills               18     (Pty) Ltd or the editor. In addition, views
        Instrumentation upgrade a towering success                         19     expressed  by the editor do not necessarily
        Steering fleets to an all-electric future                          20     reflect the views of   EIA Publishing  (Pty) Ltd or
        Adjustable earth leakage protection relays                         20     any other person or organisation associated
        How to reach 100% renewables at lowest cost                        21     with energize.
        Plans to exploit the use of LNG to mitigate against load shedding   22       It is a condition of publishing material in
                                                                                  energize that EIA  Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall
                                                                                  not be liable for any consequential or  other
        POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA                                       24
                                                                                  damages arising from the publication in good
                                                                                  faith of any  article, advertisement, picture,
                                                                                  comment, view or opinion. This  applies to
        Understanding decisions behind SA’s “emergency” power programme    25     publishing, failing to publish, late publishing or
        Running out of time to sustain the planet                          29     incorrectly publishing any article, advertisement,
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        TECHNICAL                                                                    It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
        Managing transmission voltages in power systems                    30     human and technical  errors can and do occur,
        Gas to power: Hydrogen as a fuel for gas turbines                  33     but that reasonable effort will be made to
        Advances in partial discharge monitoring                           37     minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
                                                                                  and correct such errors  when they are brought
        Compact AC transmission lines provide solutions to servitude problems and
        environmental impact                                               40     to the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.

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