Page 57 - Energize October 2021
P. 57


       MV distribution cable testing

        by Mike Rycroft, Energize features writer

        Underground cables are the most common method of distribution in built-up environments such as urban
        areas, as well as in space-restricted situations. Although buried cables are protected from physical damage
        and the effects of weather, aging of the cable, installation and handling errors can lead to internal damage
        and failure or faults, and regular testing is necessary to avoid unplanned failures and cable outage.

         rrespective of type, all underground cables deteriorate with time and   subjects the cable to possible breakdown, and is generally known as
         can develop faults and breakdowns. Failures of cable systems are   the HiPot or high potential test. Classic methods use a DC test voltage,
       Idisruptive, expensive and hazardous and result in loss of vital service.   but systems using a very low frequency source with a specially shaped
        Cables can deteriorate and fail from any combination of electrical,   waveform have now become the accepted standard.
        mechanical and thermal factors.                           Failure is taken as the breakdown of insulation under the test
           The life of a cable is dominated by the aging of cable insulation   conditions. If the test cable has a defect severe enough at the test
        system. In medium-voltage power cables, there are factors which could   voltage, an electrical tree will initiate and grow in the insulation to the
        accelerate aging and degradation, such as internal ohmic heating and   point of failure. Inception and growth time are functions of several
        partial discharges. In addition, medium-voltage cables are susceptible to   factors including test voltage, source frequency and amplitude and the
        aging mechanisms, such as the formation of water trees.   geometry of the defect. 1
                                                                  Voltage test levels and testing time durations that will allow the
        Cable testing                                          defect to grow to breakdown have been established for the most
        Cable testing is essential both at installation and over the lifetime of the   commonly used test voltage sources: the DC source, the cosine-
        cable. Regular tests will ensure that weaknesses that develop will be   rectangular and the sinusoidal wave shapes. However, the time to
        identified before cable failure occurs, which allows corrective action to   failure will vary according to the type of insulation.
        be taken. Four phases of testing are considered necessary:
        •  Installation test: Conducted after the cable is installed but before any   DC HiPot test
          accessories (joints/splices and terminations) are installed. These tests   The DC dielectric test measures leakage current, while applying a DC
          are intended to detect any manufacturing, transport and installation   voltage in steps to a voltage at or above the cable operating level for
          damage that may have occurred to the cable.          a period of time. This measurement aids in determining the insulation
        •  Acceptance test: Performed after the installation of all cable and   system’s ability to withstand over-voltages such as lightning strikes and
          accessories, but before energising the cable with system voltage. Its   switching surges. If the leakage current exceeds the maximum specified
          purpose is to detect shipping and installation damage in both the   for the cable, the test is considered to have failed. DC testing has the
          cable and cable accessories.                         disadvantage that damage to the cable may result. DC testing cannot
        •  Maintenance test: Performed throughout the service life of the   reveal some of the faults in more advanced cable systems.
          cable system. Its purpose is to assess the condition and check the
          serviceability of the cable system so that suitable maintenance
          procedures can be initiated.
        •  After repair test: It is important to carry out tests on the cable after
          repairs or alterations to the cable system, to ensure the operational
          integrity of the cable, and avoid a disaster when re-energising. These
          will immediately show up any faults or weaknesses in the repair or
          alteration work.

        The objective of any diagnostic test is to identify problems that may
        exist within a cable in a non-destructive way, and test procedures and
        equipment are designed to avoid damage to the cable.   Figure 1: DC HiPot testing procedure

        Two types of cable test are used:                      AC testing
        •  Voltage or dielectric withstand test                Mainly used for acceptance and maintenance testing, AC testing is
        •  Partial discharge (PD) analysis                     carried out to assess the condition of the insulation, similar to the DC
                                                               HiPot test. It is carried out using an AC voltage higher than the operating
        Voltage (dielectric) withstand test                    voltage, normally two or three times the RMS operating voltage. It is
        Voltage withstand tests are conducted with the cable in an off-line   non-destructive and does not introduce additional weaknesses into the
        condition. The purpose of the test is to verify the integrity of the cable,   cable. The voltage is applied for an extended period of time, normally
        and is essentially a pass/fail test. The test involves applying a voltage   60 minutes, to allow development of water trees. The result is either
        higher than the rated voltage (U 0) for an extended period of time. This   pass or fail. The cable passes if it holds the prescribed test voltage for the

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