Page 23 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 23


           Keeping Africa’s largest distribution facilities ‘switched on’

           Information from Eaton              E MV switchgear made the most      run upwards of 25 percent of the
                                               sense economically, “both in terms   original cost of the equipment thus
              inding both energy and cost-efficient   of up-front costs and total cost   adding immensely to the total cost
              solutions to the operational challenges   of ownership – and made a huge   of ownership (TCO). To add to the
          Fthat the warehousing and distribution   difference that had a major impact on   problem, SF 6 is 23 500 times more
           sector currently faces across Africa is a high   project and future cost.”  potent than carbon dioxide (CO 2)
           priority, particularly for the continent’s   “Eaton’s vacuum interrupters are   and tops the list of the most harmful
           retail giants.                      maintenance free and are certified up   greenhouse gases, remaining in the
             South Africa’s national utility has been   to 30 000 operation cycles. The Xiria E   atmosphere for 3200 years with a
           under immense strain in recent years, with   MV switchgear also offers a lower total   global warming potential (GWP) of
           ongoing load shedding causing continuous   cost of ownership in comparison to SF 6   around 22 800.
           outages across the country. Alternative   contained switchgear. Xiria systems,   “Solutions like these can and should
           power management solutions have become   materials and components are also all   define the future of warehousing
           crucial, particularly for large retailers that   recyclable at end of life.  and distribution across sectors,” says
           need to ensure optimum shelf life for   As sustainability continues to   Eaton’s Buckner. “Ongoing support is
           perishable goods in cold storage.   become an increasingly important   also vital for interventions like these
             Having recently opened its 123 000 m   2  issue in the electric power industry,   to be successful. That’s why Eaton
           Whitey Basson Distribution Park in the   the move to SF 6-free switchgear is   will be providing the Shoprite Group
           Western Cape, Shoprite – Africa’s largest food   an imperative step towards lowering   with ongoing technical support, which
           retailer – had to find the right switchgear   greenhouse gas emissions, and the   includes emergency intervention,
           solution for its most technologically advanced   retail sector also has a role to play in   maintenance, and life-extension
           distribution centre, consisting of three   reducing environmental impact.”  services, as this will continue to ensure
           warehouses, one of which is completely   The electricity industry uses   the system design is a sustainable
           devoted to cold storage.            approximately 80% of all sulphur   solution for the Group.”
             “At the time the facility was designed,   hexafluoride (SF 6) produced in the
           load shedding was causing an average   world, while end-of-life disposal of   For more information, please visit
           of two power outages a day in the Cape   SF 6 switchgear in South Africa can
           Town area and at this rate, conventional
           switchgear that generally lasts between
           2000 and 3000 operations would need
           to be replaced every three to four
           years. Shoprite would have incurred
           additional maintenance costs due to the
           unplanned outages. The installed Eaton
           Xiria E switchgear offering the user more
           operations, has helped to alleviate this, says
           Marcel Buckner, ESS Business Development
           Manager for Eaton Africa.
             Working with global power
           management solution company, Eaton,
           engineering professional services consulting
           firm, WSP Africa, developed a medium
           voltage (MV) power distribution system
           using Eaton’s innovative Xiria E extendible-
           type switchgear.
             This would provide a 10 000-operation
           switchgear solution, also allowing for a
           more flexible power distribution system
           with a broad range of protection and
           control options, and the possibility for
           future extensions of the secondary
           switchgear system.
             Saverio Talotti, Regional Director at
           WSP Africa explains that Eaton’s Xiria

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