Page 28 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 28
Power developments in Africa
Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media
Mine’s off-grid solar system will reduce diesel use Storage makes green minigrids
A 36 MW off-grid solar PV system with bifacial modules and single-axis tracking paired
with 7,5 MW of battery storage is being built at Sukari, a goldmine operated by mining Highview Power is planning more
company Centamin in the east of Egypt, near the Red Sea. The integrated energy solution development and expansion in the Great
will reduce the use of diesel at the site — by more than 20 million litres per year — improving Lakes region of East Africa. The company
its environmental footprint as well as its exposure to fuel price volatility and high transport has developed a large-scale electricity
costs. It is scheduled for commissioning in the first half of next year. storage solution called CRYOBattery.
Unlike the battery storage systems
Increase in the use of renewable Solar-powered irrigation used in many renewable energy-based
energy planned project minigrids in Africa, Highview Power’s
solution enables liquid air energy storage
which could replace fossil fuels. It is
Morocco will increase the use of biofuels The Sudanese government is planning
generally accepted that electricity storage
in its electricity generation strategy to an irrigation project in the states of North
systems are essential elements in a 100%
increase its employment of renewable Kordofan and West Kordofan. The project
renewable energy-based electrical system.
energy and reduce the use of fossil fuels. is expected to include the installation
In addition to the battery storage project,
The country plans to provide over half of its 1170 solar-powered irrigation pumps to
an associated company is planning large-
electricity from clean, renewable sources. pump groundwater. In addition to food
scale renewable energy generation and
The Moroccan authorities say that biomass security, the project aims to reduce
storage projects in the region.
power plants could provide about 13 TWh farmers’ dependence on fossil fuels,
per year. The biofuels would come from which are harmful to human health and the
the agricultural sector, the forestry sector, environment. The project will be financed Hydroelectric power to
from solid waste and from wastewater. by the African Development Bank (AfDB). become available soon
The project will also help to decongest the The pan-African institution indicates that
country’s landfills, thereby having a positive the installation of the solar pumps will be The Tanzanian government plans to
impact on the environment. completed by 31 December 2025. start operating the Stiegler’s Gorge
hydroelectric dam, renamed Julius
Local financing for off-grid power projects Nyerere, in June 2022. The dam will be
the largest in the country, standing 134 m
Investments in renewable energy have increased tenfold in Rwanda in recent years. But, high and capable of holding 32,3 billion
according to the European Union’s GET.invest programme, these investments have been m of water. The facility will include a
made more with international capital and foreign currency. GET.invest wants to see more reservoir covering an area of 1350km²
local investments in local currency. Rwandan banks should increase their investment in and a hydroelectric plant located at the
decentralised renewable energy in Rwandan francs. The country has an electricity access foot of the dam. Nine vertical Francis
rate of 65%. Almost half of the households are connected to the national grid, while nearly turbines, each capable of delivering 235
18% receive electricity from off-grid systems. Rwanda wants universal access to electricity MW of electricity, will supply the country
by 2024. with an additional 2,1 GW of electricity
into Tanzania’s electricity grid.
Solar power saves lives Digitally managing minigrids
Transitioning to a clean
A clinic in the mountain village of Minigrids in Benin are to be managed digitally electricity supply
Manamaneng, Lesotho, serves 6800 by a new metering system. The system will
people. For years, the clinic provided manage the power from ten grid-connected Togo’s Gnassingbé Eyadema International
essential services without reliable solar hybrid minigrids in19 localities in the Airport in Lomé announced its new energy
electricity. An old, dirty, and often north of the country. By digitising a minigrid transition strategy recently. The company
unreliable diesel generator was the only at its inception, utilities are able to integrate seeks to produce its own electricity so
source of power. Electricity is essential for grid analysis more easily into regular that it can reduce its dependence on the
storing vaccines, treating patients at night, operations. Digitalisation enables remote country’s electricity grid, reduce its diesel
and powering medical equipment, such measurement, visualisation and operation of consumption and lower its CO2 emissions.
as ultrasound machines vital for antenatal minigrid systems. Since these decentralised The strategy includes a project which calls
care. Recently, a team from One Power systems facilitate and accelerate the for a 1825 MW, ground-mounted solar PV
delivered a solar PV equipped container electrification of rural areas in sub-Saharan power plant. The plant, which is expected
which supplies sufficient power for the Africa, the implementation of these intelligent to comprise 4680 PV panels, is to be built
clinic and charges batteries to keep lights minigrid management systems is set to on a 9360 m plot of land, located 1100 m
and equipment running after sunset. expand in Benin and beyond. from the airport’s new terminal building.
energize | September 2021 | 26