Page 25 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 25
Skid mounted chlor-alkali technology and plant solutions
hyssenkrupp Uhde chlorine engineers’ chlor-alkali technology
is based on the electrolysis process, whereby a direct electric
Tcurrent is passed through an aqueous solution of Sodium or
potassium Chloride (NaCI/KCl) in a membrane electrolyser, causing the
chemical decomposition of the solution in chlorine gas, hydrogen gas
and a solution of caustic hydroxide.
Chlorine and caustic are chemical products that are used in
countless industrial applications, such as plastic, polyurethanes,
disinfectants, aluminium and titanium production and so on. The
products of electrolysis can be also combined together for the
production of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCI)
solutions, both widely used for industrial and domestic use.
Hydrochloric acid can be further processed into products such as
aluminium chlorohydrate (ACH) and poly-aluminium chloride (PAC).
“These products and derivatives are widely used by industries
such as textile, plastic, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper, water
treatment and mining,” explains Yurisha Singh, Proposals Engineer at
Thyssenkrupp Uhde.
The company’s chlor-alkali technology has been developed over
five decades of successful installations, and incorporates steady
enhancements in design features that have led to improvements in
reliability, product quality and energy efficiency.
A significant factor in a plant’s operating cost is on-stream time which cost-effective solution that addresses the need for small-scale chlorine
Singh points out is largely dependent on the robustness of the electrolysis producers and remotely located plants,” states Singh.
cells and the reliability of the materials. The company’s technology is The pretested modules are quick, simple and cost-effective to
based on the single-element membrane cell design which combines transport to site. Once on site, construction and assembly is fast
optimal material selection with simple maintenance. The proprietary and easy with fewer civil and erection works requiring only a small
single-element zero gap technology delivers a number of key benefits team. Rapid project implementation and plant start-up time deliver
including significant energy savings, leak-proof operation, extended substantial savings in terms of construction time and costs.”
membrane service life and fast, simple replacement of the elements. As an engineering and licensor company, Thyssenkrupp Uhde
The firm offers two cost-effective chlorine production solutions, Chlorine Engineers has successfully implemented over 600 electro-
the 45 and the 15 – 20 tpd (tons per day) chlorine plants, supplied as chemical projects world-wide. It has transferred its chlor-alkali
modular skid-mounted units. Through standardised engineering and technology from large scale stick-build facilities, to modular solutions
optimisation of its largely standardised compact cell house design, this on the African continent. A 45 tpd chlor-alkali facility is currently under
company’s chlor-alkali plants deliver multiple benefits to customers construction in Tanzania, East Africa.
including minimised space requirements, lowered investment costs and “We are also busy with numerous feasibility studies in sub-Saharan
easy maintenance. Africa,” concludes Singh.
The modular skid-mounted plants consist of pre-assembled
modules in steel skids. The modules are assembled in the workshop Contact Thyssenkrupp Uhde, Phone 011 236-1000,
and are designed to fit standard containers.,
“Our modular skid-mounted approach presents a simple, fast and
Contact Katia dos Santos for all your advertising requirements:
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energize | September 2021 | 23