Page 24 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 24
Bursary to support tertiary studies for you change, you can change the life of your family, you
can change the lives of your community - and that’s what
communities across three provinces it’s all about, making a difference in this world.”
The initiative form’s part of our broader socio-
economic development programme, as explained by
Hirshon. “We have identified education as a focus
imed at providing access to tertiary education for learners in beneficiary rural area to improve the quality of life of the previously
populations, BTE Renewables and Thebe Investment Corporation, through disadvantaged. Furthermore, we see education as a tool
Atheir renewable energy project companies, jointly launched a new bursary to positively impact lives in a sustainable manner, leading
programme, reaching fifteen community-based secondary schools. The programme, to real opportunities for overall livelihood improvement
which kicked-off simultaneously across three provinces, included a two-day andself-reliance,” she said.
engagement initiative, with stakeholder delegates in the regions participating in the The criteria favour females and academically
inaugural event. deserving learners from household incomes of less than
STEM education forms the cornerstone of the bursary programme, linking to the R650 000 per annum.
imperative of improving the availability of suitable skills in South Africa. The launch event included an interactive session
“It is widely recognised that there is a serious shortage of STEM skills in the with learners as well as a concurrent live broadcast in
country, particularly within previously disadvantaged groups. In this respect, the the three provinces. In addition to learners and school
bursary programme demonstrates our commitment to assisting in South Africa’s management teams, participating stakeholders included
transformation agenda and ensuring that the project companies’ beneficiary political heads; ward councillors; Provincial Department
communities can take up the opportunities arising from a just transition, and to of Education Representation and other delegates.
participate in the 4th industrial revolution,” explained Libby Hirshon, Sustainability
Director for BTE Renewables. About BTE Renewables
The participating secondary schools are all located within the project companies’ BTE Renewables has been operating in South Africa
beneficiary communities, situated inside a 50 km radius of BTE and TIC’s operating since 2003 and is positioned as a leading pan-African
renewable power plants. These include Eastern Cape’s Golden Valley Wind Energy renewable power developer with expertise in project
Facility, Northern Cape’s Aggeneys Solar and Konkoonsies II Solar; as well as the development, financial, construction management
Western Cape’s Excelsior Wind Energy Facility. and operations. The company is owned by Actis, the
Addressing learners from the three local schools in attendance at the bursary world’s leading emerging markets investor, following an
launch, Elton Links, from Aggeneys International Academy said, “I know that all our acquisition in 2019.
learners have potential to change the world, if they have the right tools, one of those
tools being education. We know that whoever succeeds in being selected for this Contact BTE Renewables, Phone 011 367-4600,
bursary programme will do great things. Remember that change begins with you - if
energize | September 2021 | 22