Page 48 - Energize January 2022
P. 48


        Zero electricity bill: What’s the catch?

        What follows self-generation and storage: Abstraction from the grid

        by Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, PhD, Menlo Energy Economics

            or some time, futurists – people   produce and store energy. Distribution
            who reside outside the proverbial   utilities, energy retailers, energy service
       Fbox and do not have to necessarily   companies (ESCOs) as well as smart
        justify their pronouncements – have been   aggregators and intermediaries are
        talking about a future where electricity –   now looking into business models to
        at least the portion of the costs attributed   take advantage of these emerging
        to generation – will be free. Back in 1954,   opportunities.
        the then-chairman of the Atomic Energy   As described in an article published
        Commission, Lewis Strauss, used the   on 28 September 2021 , an example of
        phrase “too cheap to meter” in a speech   such future possibilities is being tested
        that turned out to be a phenomenally   in a smart solar and battery storage
        optimistic prediction about the future of   demonstration project getting underway
        nuclear power.                       in New South Wales (NSW), Australia with
           For a number of reasons, nuclear   Ausgrid, a regulated distribution company,
        power has not turned out to be too cheap   collaborating with Reposit Power, a
        to meter. In fact, presently it is among the   technology provider.
        most expensive ways to generate power.   The project aims to allow residential   Fereidoon P. Sioshansi
        Many argue that Mr. Strauss’ prediction   solar to continue to thrive, while avoiding
        could have turned into reality had it not   congestion on the distribution lines at   Spaccavento (slightly edited), “Once
        been for the fact that the option was   times of peak excess generation. This is   (the) system is installed, the household
        squandered – it is a long story.     no longer an academic concern especially   is effectively ‘abstracted from the
           Fast forward to more recent       in places such as South Australia, where   electricity system’ in the sense that the
        predictions and one can point to the   on a recent Sunday afternoon rooftop   customer uses the power it needs, when
        fact that virtually all renewable energy   solar provided 84% of the demand on   it needs it, without giving a thought to
        resources – setting aside the significant   the network. The project will attempt   cost or management (of energy) – that
        capital costs – are zero marginal cost since   to create and manage a two-sided   responsibility is handed over to Reposit
        there is no fuel to burn. In fact, when   market, where services are bought from   and Ausgrid.”
        renewable generation exceeds demand   distributed energy resources (DERs) on   “The grand bargain is you buy solar
        – which frequently happens when there   the customer-side of the meter such   and battery, you put our controller on it
        is too much solar and/or wind – prices   as rooftop solar, storage devices and   and you give us total control.”
        can go negative. It is not uncommon   electric vehicles (EVs) while delivering   “In return for that, we give you zero
        for grid operators to curtail renewable   reliable service to all customers including   electricity bills, guaranteed, which means
        generation, a technical term for dumping   those without solar, batteries or EVs. The   Reposit is taking the risk associated
        the excess supply.                   experiment will expand Ausgrid’s current   with the quality of the equipment, the
           That, however, is not the end of the   400 households with solar and battery   quality of the installation, the quality of
        story of free electricity. As more consumers   storage to 1000 participants.  the trading behaviour… [And] if we get it
        self-generate by installing rooftop solar   To encourage new participation,   wrong, we wear it.”
        PV panels, there are times when  there is   volunteers will be offered a free product   For the scheme to work, it is crucial
        excess distributed  generation feeding into   (no electricity bill) initially for five years   that Ausgrid deliver its part of the bargain
        the distribution network – usually at the   to customers investing in at least 6,6 kW   – giving Reposit “a safe operating band,
        same time that utility-scale solar power    of solar plus a minimum of 11,8 kWh of   through which we can export and import
        plants are also flooding the network from   battery storage, plus a control device to   from the network” for all the participants.
        the upstream side.                   be monitored and managed by Reposit.   Meanwhile, the Reposit controller
           As the cost of distributed storage   The initial investment is estimated   device installed at every house makes
        continues to fall, many of the so-called   around AUD$18,000 (US$13 000), not an   decisions on when to import electricity
        prosumers will find it cost-effective to   unreasonable amount for five years of zero   from the grid, when to use or store
        invest in storage, therefore becoming   electric bills.                   rooftop generated solar power, or when
        prosumagers – i.e., consumers who      According to Reposit CEO Dean      to export solar power, while also making

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