Page 66 - Energize April 2022
P. 66


        Sound suppression for gas or

        steam pipes

                                                  BY BILL FLOWERS, EMERSON

             igh aerodynamic noise levels
             are a natural result of turbulent
       Hflow. As gas or steam flows
        through a control valve, velocity
        increases in the flow passages and then
        slows, creating pressure fluctuations
        and sound waves. These waves are
        emitted from the valve and piping,
        radiating in all directions.
           At low velocities the sound is minor
        and barely noticeable, but at higher
        levels the noise becomes irritating to
        personnel in the immediate area. Very   Figure 1: Source control often uses valve trims with small holes (left), multiple flow paths (middle), or
        loud noise levels can permanently    downstream diffusers (right) to reduce aerodynamic noise. The methods spread the pressure drop and
        damage hearing and destroy valve     flow across multiple points to reduce vapour velocity and minimise noise.
        internals due to excessive vibration.
           Lighthill’s law states that       drop through the valve itself (Figure 1).
        aerodynamic noise varies as the eighth   An alternative source control method is flow division. Flow division breaks up the
        power of the gas velocity , so high flow   single flow path into multiple flow paths, thus reducing the overall velocity of each
        and high pressure drop applications   path. The reduced velocity results in lower levels of sound. In either case, source control
        get very loud, very quickly. Most plants   often requires a much more complex valve internal design, which is costly and prone
        address high control valve noise in one   to plugging. External diffusers also add cost and usually incorporate very small flow
        of two methods, either source control   passages, which can plug as well.
        or path control. Each method has
        varying levels of cost and effectiveness.    Sound suppression
                                             The second method of aerodynamic noise reduction is path control. This method
        Addressing the source                attempts to muffle the sound and keep it from radiating to the surrounding area. The
        Source control attempts to diminish   techniques can be as simple as thick-walled pipe, pipe insulation, or encasing the pipe
        noise levels by eliminating or at least   with acoustic blankets or materials designed to absorb the sound.
        reducing the generated sound. This is   Alternatively, one can employ specially designed silencers which either absorb the
        often accomplished using pressure drop   sound or use resonant chambers to cancel the noise through destructive interference.
        staging or flow division. Pressure drop   A car muffler is an example of a resonant chamber silencer that is common in everyday
        staging reduces the overall sound by   use. Silencers work but often require a high pressure drop and tortuous path, and
        dividing the total pressure drop over   they may include sound absorbing materials which degrade or become saturated with
        a number of steps, rather than taking   process fluids. Acoustic blankets wear with exposure to the elements, and are often
        the full drop in at a single point. The   damaged or improperly installed after maintenance, so their performance declines over
        smaller pressure drops create smaller   time.
        vena contractas  with correspondingly
        smaller pressure variations, and thus   The price of silence
        less noise.                          Both source and path controls do work, but they come with significant costs and
           This can be accomplished with a   limitations. Low noise valve trims usually require a more expensive globe valve, and its
        multistage low noise valve trim design,   intricate internals raise the valve price considerably. Silencers and diffusers add pressure
        or it can include pressure-reducing   drop by design and their peak performance can be limited to certain ranges of flow.
        inline diffusers on the inlet and/or   None of these options are capable of passing a pipeline pig, so a pig capture and bypass
        outlet to reduce the overall pressure   chamber are required.

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