Page 42 - Energize June 2022
P. 42


               Advantages of investing in                                         to join Defy in championing eco-friendly
                                                                                  innovations and climate-friendly products.
                                                                                    South African consumers need a
              energy-efficient technology                                         more conscious approach to buying
                                                                                  decisions: With each purchase we make,
                                                                                  we contribute, or detract, from the global
                 by Mustafa Soylu, Defy Appliances
                                                                                  objective to reduce carbon emissions.
                                                                                  South Africans need to come to an acute
             loomberg Green puts South Africa                                     understanding that their collective buying
             as 12th in the world when it comes                                   power has the ability to drive change, and
       Bto the emission of greenhouse                                             their actions over the next few years will
        gases, with 65% of the country’s emissions                                play a crucial role in the planet’s future.
        being attributed to electricity and heat.                                   Defy’s Hybrid solution represents one
        With South Africa’s emissions having                                      key way in which the brand is powering
        increased by 10,4% between 2000 and                                       South African homes in ways that are
        2017, the need for energy efficiency in the                               energy efficient and affordable. Having
        country is ever more urgent, which is why                                 daytime stable energy, powered by the
        it’s important that South Africans consider                               sun, will reduce energy consumption and
        the impact that the population’s energy                                   the carbon footprint of coal-supplied
        usage has on the local environment.  South African businesses in the product   electricity.
           We urge the South African business   design and development sectors is of vital   Our Hybrid innovation will hopefully
        community in particular, to invest in   importance. We have, for example, placed   be a gamechanger and meet people’s
        the future of our country and the world   a key business development focus on the   expectations in the regions that have
        at large, by joining Defy in its mission   brand’s Solar Hybrid cooling solutions,   problems accessing sustainable energy.
        to contribute towards energy-efficient   which uses a combination of electricity   Going forward, we are committed to
        practices, processes and products.   and solar energy to save money and   furthering the agenda towards cleaner,
           As a ‘future market,’ the African   reduce electricity consumption.    more accessible energy in South Africa and
        continent is set to become an increasingly   In a socioeconomic context in which   we believe that in taking up the mantle of
        central part of the global economy. This   the country is facing several headwinds   this important cause, we can continue to
        progression is illustrated by the European   relating to its unstable energy supply,   raise awareness around important issues
        Union’s efforts to strengthen its ties with   environmentally sound product solutions   like climate change and environmental
        the continent to promote the trade of   are the only viable way forward. In South   perseveration. Governments, businesses
        sustainable and clean energy. Initiatives   Africa, only 90% of the population has   and society at large all have a part to play.
        like the Africa-Europe Alliance for   access to the electricity grid, and it is
        Sustainable Investment and Employment   estimated that more than 600 million   About Defy
        aim to unlock Africa’s potential for rapid   people in sub-Saharan Africa will lack   Defy Appliances (Pty) Ltd is Southern Africa’s
        progress toward a green and circular   access to electricity by 2030. Therefore,   largest manufacturer and distributor of
        economy, including sustainable energy and   investing in energy-efficient technology   major domestic appliances. The company
        smart cities.                        has a dual advantage for the planet and   markets its products under the Defy brand
           Given these developments, the role of   for its people. Soylu encourages brands   and offers the consumer a full range
                                                                                  of kitchen, laundry and small domestic
                                                                                  appliances. Established in 1905, Defy
                                                                                  made its debut by manufacturing the first
                                                                                  electric stove in South Africa. In the last 117
                                                                                  years, the brand has further entrenched
                                                                                  its footprint in South African households,
                                                                                  through manufacturing durable goods such
                                                                                  as gas ovens, washing machines, dryers and
                                                                                  ovens. This led to Defy becoming the biggest
                                                                                  white goods manufacturer in the country
                                                                                  while presenting the largest product range
                                                                                  in South Africa.

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