Page 47 - Energize June 2022
P. 47


           In terms of helium, the 2P number   Energize: What sort of plant would be necessary to produce the gases, and what investment
        is 13,6 billion cubic feet, or 64 million   would be required for this? Please explain the Phase 1 and Phase 2 parts of the project, and
        kg of the second lightest substance on   the projected costs of each.
        earth. If we were to produce 10% of world
        helium, this would last around 30 years.   SM: Phase 1 was R1-billion and will make 350 kg of helium per day and 50 metric tons of
        Remember, each billion cubic feet has a   LNG per day. Phase 2 is around R14-billion and will see 5000 kg of helium and about 700
        surface value of over US$300-million.  metric tons of LNG.

        Energize: What other gases are present as   Energize: How will these gases be distributed? Will pipelines or tankers be used for this?
        impurities in the methane and helium?
                                             SM: Only tankers will be used, as pipelines are far too complex to use at such low
        SM: Just methane, nitrogen and helium.   temperatures.
        No sulphur. Other gases are present in
        trace quantities.                    Energize: What will be the main local uses of the LNG?

        Energize: What sort of refining or   SM: Displacement of diesel in trucks, displacement of LPG in factories, and tri-generation
        processing would be necessary to produce   (cooling, heat, power) at mines.
        pure helium and pure LNG, and also to
        separate out the impurities? Would one   Energize: What sort of recovery factor (percentage of the gas which can be extracted) is
        exploit the difference in boiling points of   projected for the LNG? And for the helium?
        helium and methane, as helium boils at
        a far lower temperature (-268,9°C) than   SM: Greater than 99% for helium, and around 95% for the methane, although we use a bit
        methane (-161,6°C)?                  of that recovered methane in the cooling process. Gas is very different from mining. Even
                                             the discard methane is consumed to generate heating for the oils in the plant, reducing
        SM: This is exactly what our plant does.   electricity consumption. Almost nothing is wasted.
        We take all the gas to -162°C, and the
        methane comes out a liquid. It still has   Energize: As more gas is extracted from the source, gas pressure will drop, making further
        a few nitrogen bubbles, but nothing   extraction less efficient. Is there a remedy for this (i.e., injecting some gas such as nitrogen or
        hectic. The remaining gas is helium and   carbon dioxide back into the source)?
        nitrogen, which we then cool to -196°C
        (the boiling point of nitrogen) and the   SM: You are correct in a normal gas field. But this field has no pressure, and you can’t
        nitrogen falls out, leaving laboratory   stimulate the flow rate. What you see is what you get, and it appears that this is the rate at
        grade helium gas. The helium is then   which the methane is being regenerated.
        cooled to -269°C at which point it
        becomes a liquid.                    Send your comments to

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