Page 16 - EngineerIt April 2021
P. 16


           The CDE is squarely in the middle of the design process,
        empowering innovators to work with one single source of truth.
        The advantage of a data driven environment is that all changes
        throughout the process are recorded and remain available
        throughout the life of the project.

        Cloud collaboration
        Construction is a team effort. As a result, individual excellence
        alone is not enough. The entire team needs to collaborate as one
        seamless operation.  Design and construction firms will continue
        the remote collaboration practices they adopted in 2020.
           In 2021, they will continue to push projects to the cloud at an
        accelerated rate, in pursuit of an end-to-end digital workflow. The
        last 12 months have allowed teams and companies to become
        accustomed to this method of working, with many of the initial
        teething problems now ironed out.                      as contractors realise that prefab construction dramatically
           As businesses become increasingly comfortable with this   accelerates project timelines.
        way of working, they will become even more efficient and   It can be likened to Lego, where many elements of a
        productive. In every project one learns something new, some   building are built offsite in a controlled factory environment.
        aspects that perhaps can be executed better, or an error that   On building sites, one is dependent on the weather and often
        occurred can be prevented from recurring in future projects. The   space constraints. The prefabricating of many elements of
        more we engage in CDE, the more efficiently projects will be   a building and simply lifting prefabricated units into place
        carried out in the future.                             on the building site will greatly improve timelines. With this
                                                               approach, quality can be better controlled and it often also
        Industrialised construction                            results in cost savings.
        Industrialised construction isn’t just about using manufacturing   A good example of industrialised construction would be
        techniques in construction, it’s about the convergence of   to have modular school classrooms stored, so that when the
        industries, processes, workflows and functional data within   need arises, a school can be replaced within weeks instead of
        design, construction, manufacturing and operation.     months. In the case of schools that were destroyed in Limpopo
           Industrialised construction techniques such as design   a few years ago, with preconstructed classrooms, the rebuilding
        for manufacture and assembly will be adopted by many   process could be completed in a relatively short period of time.
        contractors and become a pillar of the industry’s resilience
                                                               As the AEC industry is increasingly challenged to find the fittest
                                                               solution in the shortest time, automation will become an integral
                                                               part of the industry’s toolkit.
                                                                  The AEC industry wants to get things done faster; it wants
                                                               to have the ability to take the big, tedious design tasks and finish
                                                               them in the time it takes to make a fresh pot of coffee. This is
                                                               where automation can help.
                                                                  With automation, the focus can be on the design tasks
                                                               that made someone want to be a designer in the first place,
                                                               while the technology automates the tedious tasks that hold the
                                                               designer back.
                                                                  Computational and generative design techniques and
                                                               collaborative robotics will speed up the digital design and physical
                                                               manufacturing processes. Embracing automation will get the
                                                               industry a step closer to making its data work for it.
                                                                  The AEC industry is well and truly on the path towards a
                                                               digital future. Businesses that lagged behind or were slow to
                                                               adopt these technologies are being overtaken.
                                                                  As the pandemic has so clearly highlighted, it is essential for
                                                               companies to become agile and resilient so that they are capable
                                                               of taking the challenges they face in their stride.
                                                                  The trends highlighted here will enable the AEC industry to be
                                                               far better placed in an increasingly uncertain world long after the
                                                               pandemic ends.                                   n

                                                               Simon Bromfield can be contacted at
        Simon Bromfield                              

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