Page 27 - EngineerIT February 2022 UPDATED
P. 27
to retrofit with conventional sprinkler are also internal factors that need to be to introduce refuge areas into heritage
systems, for example, due to the fact considered, such as the possible sources buildings in particular as part of the
that their external appearance has to be of ignition inside a building and how best overall life-safety strategy. A refuge area
preserved. to manage these. Notwithstanding that a has its own oxygen supply and fire-rated
Modern buildings also deploy building is old, the electrical system can walls and doors to protect occupants
drencher systems that can cool the still be modernised without affecting its until a fire dies down or is brought under
exterior with water curtains to protect heritage ‘look and feel’. control.
windows, doors, walls and roofs against In addition, modern electrical There is an onus on the owners
an encroaching fire. This is probably the management systems based on earth or trustees of a heritage or historic
best strategy to adopt in the event of a leakage and thermal resistors, as well building to safeguard that building
fire like the Table Mountain blaze, as it as computer monitoring, can result in against fire. This is a risk assessment that
means a heat shield is essentially created an automatic shutdown if any risks are any responsible building owner should
around a building in order to protect it. detected. These can range from fans, conduct. It is advisable for any commercial
In addition to modern advances heaters and computer terminals that or academic institution to request their
like recessed sprinkler systems, which are left on, to overloaded multi-plug insurers to come take a look at their
are only activated in the event of a fire, extensions, a common cause of fire in a buildings in order to give them advice. If
another solution is a hypoxic system that typical office environment, for example. the insurer does not have the necessary
introduces nitrogen into an area to reduce Managing the internal environment of technical expertise or experience, ASP Fire
the oxygen level to the point where a building adequately allows for the fire offers this specialised service to a host of
spontaneous combustion cannot occur. risk to be minimised. Obviously, risk can insurers. n
However, the best approach remains never be eliminated by 100%, but it can
a proper fire-risk assessment that definitely be reduced to an acceptable *,
examines a building holistically. There level. Effective means to achieve this is Web:
EngineerIT | February 2022 | 25