Page 26 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design midsummer, we enjoyed some 18 hours for seabirds. Sightings here included 23
of daylight and bright sunshine, in spite Black Oystercatcher, Pelagic Cormorant,
of the area having a reputation for often Common Murre, Mew Gull, Rhinoceros
having continuous days of rain. Auklet and, our Alaskan target bird, the
3.0 Invoice Template Cruise ships are boarded at the Canada Tufted Puffin.
Place terminal and immediately on Life on board the Queen Elizabeth is
entering the terminal we were asked one of spoilt luxury. The ship caters
to show our negative Covid PCR test for 2 080 guests and has a crew of
result. This test had to have been over 900. The staterooms are very well
done not more than 72 hours before appointed and serviced daily by the very
boarding and was a condition of the friendly, mainly Philipino housekeeping
cruise. Consequently, we had this test staff. There are numerous dining rooms,
carried out in Vancouver, which was from the formal to the casual buffet
considerably more expensive than a to the English style pub. The meals
Rufous Hummingbird similar test would be in South Africa. are superb and the wine list extensive
Nevertheless, with the Canadian and although, being priced in US dollars,
United States customs formalities wines are a little on the expensive side
concluded, we boarded the very for the South African tourist.
splendid Cunard ship, Queen Elizabeth.
There are live shows each evening, pub
A welcoming bottle of champagne quizzes during the day, lectures given by
INVOICE experts in their field, musicians playing
compliments of Cunard was opened as we
in the lounges, keep fit classes, dance
watched from our balcony while the ship
eased past Lion’s Gate Bridge and out into classes and art classes to name just
the inside passage between Vancouver some of the daily activities on board.
Island and the mainland. After a day at The evening dress code was smart
Entity: Kyalami Estates casual except on the formal evenings
sea, we sailed into Glacier Bay National
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07 when a suit and black tie were required
Park, an Alaskan world heritage site. The
Entity Reg No:
bay was formed some two hundred years
Invoice Date: xx May 2019 for the men. Our evening dining
ago as the glacier retreated and today companions were a charming Canadian
one can sail sixty five miles up the bay couple, Lance and Kathy Hughes, who
to view the glacier. Mountains surround were very keen to learn about life in
Spotted Towhee both sides of the bay and ice and snow South Africa. This was their third trip to
Bill to:
were visible on all the peaks. Alaska and their best weatherwise, as
we experienced no rain, no mist and no
Our first port of call was Icy Strait Point mosquitos (which apparently can reach
Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx plague proportions).
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx situated on Chichagof Island in the
Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Alaskan panhandle. Here, we’d booked
PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx Our third port of call was Ketchikan,
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx a tour to go whale watching and we
were not disappointed. A small launch Alaska’s southernmost city. All Alaskan
took 40 passengers to where the many towns and cities are accessible only
humpback whales were blowing and by either sea or air as there are no
diving quite close to shore. Each whale roads connecting the cities. Ketchikan
hosts numerous cruise ships during
displayed its own distinct tail as it dived
Account: Your Reference: Tax Reference:
the summer season and tourism, along
below the surface. Sea lions were also
Kyalami Estates Kyalami Estates Kyalami Estates
with fishing and forestry, are the main
plentiful in the area.
economic activities. Bald Eagles, the
Many university students are national bird of the USA, are seen in
temporarily employed as tour guides abundance around Ketchikan. After
during the summer tourist season and walking around the town we boarded
the guides on our vessel were very a launch to one of the islands off
Tax Reference:
Unit Price
Description: knowledgable. Chichagof Island has a Ketchikan where the local inhabitants
R000 0000had prepared a beach barbecue for us.
R000 0000
Lazuli Bunting thriving bear population and back on
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
R000 0000While preparing the food, they gave us a
R000 00000
Xxxxx xxxxxxx land we were guided by a First Nation
Alaskan along a trail to try to spot short talk about life on the island. Not a
brown bears. Unfortunately, the bears very easy life, we decided.
remained well hidden but nevertheless
we all learned a few words in the local Alaska became the 49th and largest
Sub Total: R000 000.00 state of the United States in 1959. It is
Hoonah language from our guide.
VAT 15%: R000 000.00 larger in size than the next three largest
Total: R000 000.00 states combined i.e. Texas, California
Our second port of call was Sitka, which
is situated on the coastline of Baranof and Montana – but it is the most
Island. Sitka is the fourth largest city in sparsely populated state, with the third
Alaska, with a population of around lowest population.
Account Name: Kyalami Estates
8 500. It was known as New Archangel
Bank: Investec Our tour covered the area known as the
while under Russian rule from 1799
Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alaskan panhandle, which is notable for
to 1867 before Alaska was sold to the
Account Type: Current its many islands and visited by dozens
United States. Here, we took another
small launch out to Fin Island where
Branch Code: xxxxxx of cruise ships. The fabulous cruise on
we had a magnificent breakfast of the Queen Elizabeth, the excursions to
Alaskan crab, fish paté and clam
Estate Office & Administration some of the islands, the very friendly
chowder. Then the tour took us out
Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246 people, the amazing wildlife and
past Mount Edgecombe, a dormant
Tufted Puffin Email: our time in Vancouver made this an
volcano, to St Lazaria Island, a hotspot
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684 extremely memorable trip.
24 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022