Page 22 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
P. 22
Sharon Smit, Belinda Hickson & Sue De Klerk
For The Love Of Family
By Jawitz Properties Midrand
Jawitz Properties is an established real estate and Belinda Hickson, all of whom have a real love for
company where our brand is reflected in our ethos. the estate, having lived and raised children here and
Our tag line, “real life real estate” is a phrase that enjoyed all of the benefits that the estate has to offer.
encapsulates so perfectly the driving force behind
our success story for over five decades. It is effortless to sell the benefits of the estate when
you have had the opportunity to live the dream, and
We know that our business goes far beyond the a combined passion for property, a strong ethos and
formality of buying and selling property. It’s about teamwork make them a team ………
people. It’s about being real with our clients. It’s
about trust that is earned and the nurturing of the “At Jawitz Properties, professionalism in our conduct
relationships that have been built over time. The is of utmost importance. I pride myself in my work
Jawitz brand is all about doing business with integrity. ethic and the high standard of service I provide.
Being ethical and honest is central to who I am and is
“We bought the property franchise after having various reflected in my work,” says Sharon Smit, rental agent
interactions with the brand and realising that in doing specialising in Kyalami Estates.
so it was so much more than just a brand buy-in, we
were buying into a family run business,” says Belinda For Sue De Klerk, our sales agent in the estate, “Selling
Hickson, principal of Jawitz Midrand. property gives me the opportunity to combine my two
passions – people and homes. As an interior decorator
It is the very reason that, when looking to purchase by training, homes are exciting and interesting to me.
into a Real Estate Franchise, Belinda and Brian chose Working with people who are making perhaps the
to become part of this amazing family, because Jawitz biggest purchase of their life, or selling their largest
Properties is not just a brand, it’s not just a real estate asset, is a privilege and a pleasure.”
company, it is a family. And it’s about working with
families. Giving them a home to call their own and to
raise their children in a happy, safe environment, with At Jawitz Properties
a strong sense of community. “
professionalism in our
Kyalami Estates is looked after for Rental and Sales conduct is of utmost
by the dynamic team of Sue De Klerk, Sharon Smit importance