Page 20 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
 3.0  Folder (Inner)
 Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  Stuart Kent – Architectural                                                                            23

                                             of Technology and holds a Post    and fishing, and try to spend as
 3.0  Invoice Template                       Graduate Diploma in Management    much quality time as possible with
                                             and Leadership from NTU in the UK.  my wife and two children,” says
                                             He has also completed the AMP at   Stuart.
                                             Harvard Business School in Boston.
                                                                               “As a member of the Board, I
                                             Stuart is currently the CEO at Aurex   aim to support the development
                                             Constructors, a 100% South African-  of group recreational and social
                                             owned construction company, and   activities, as well as work on the
                                             he currently sits on the Board of   improvement of estate facilities
                                             the South African, Mauritian, and   and estate maintenance protocols.
                                             Mozambican entities.              I will also continue to promote
                                                                               the notion of a united estate
           Stuart studied Mechanical         “I enjoy spending my spare time   that embraces progression and
           Engineering at Durban University   outdoors mountain biking, running,   harmony.”

                                              Alan Patrick ‘Paddy’ Brearley –
                                        Entity: Kyalami Estates
                                    Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
                                           Entity Reg No:
                                       Invoice Date: xx May 2019
                                              Alan was born in 1949 and has
                                              lived in South Africa since 1972.
                                              He is married with two sons.
                                              Bill to:
                                              “My last position held was that
                                                           Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
                   Attention:xxxxx xxxxx      of Managing Director of Legacy
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx       Hotels. After 20 years in that
                                                          Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx                      PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
                                              position, I retired just over a
                                              year ago. Prior to that, I worked
          Desiree Pather –                    for Southern Sun for 22 years.
                                              During the course of my career,
          Communications                  Your Reference:            Tax Reference:
                                              I have worked in hotels and
                                                                      Kyalami Estates
                                           Kyalami Estates
                 Kyalami Estates
          Desiree has been a resident in      leisure developments and I have a
                                              keen interest in properties, food,
          Kyalami Estates since 2019.         wine and upmarket golf estates,”
                                              he says.
          “My professional experience is                                       of the KEHOA, I aim to assist
          in Human Resources and Labour      Unit Price              Tax Reference:
                                                                        R000 0000 in promoting, enhancing and
                                              “I love Kyalami Estates and, as a
                                             R000 0000
                Xxxxx       xxxxxxxxx
          Law. I currently own and manage   R000 00000                  R000 0000 improving our beautiful estate.”
                                              member of the Board of Directors
                Xxxxx        xxxxxxx
          a national recruitment agency
          comprising five branches in South
          Africa. I have a B.Com degree in                                     Martin Hood –
                                      Sub Total: R000 000.00
          Human Resource Management and
                                      VAT 15%: R000 000.00
          a qualification in Public Relations  Total: R000 000.00              Legal
          and Communication.” she says.
                                                                               Martin has 32 years’ experience
          “Communication is key to   Account Name: Kyalami Estates             as an attorney, specialising in
          achieving goals and I would love to   Bank: Investec                 administrative law and corporate
          use my experience to contribute  Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            governance. He is also a specialist
          to our Kyalami Estates community.                                    in the security industry and the
                                        Account Type: Current
          I will also be working closely with   Branch Code: xxxxxx            regulatory environment. He has
          the Community Portfolio Director                                     proudly served for two previous
                                        Estate Office & Administration
          to bring everyone together  Tel: (011) 468 3001/2  |  Fax: (011) 468 1246  years on the Board of Directors of
          through exciting and diverse   Email:      the KEHOA.
          cultural events.”           PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
 18   Kyalami Estates •   18  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022
 CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2022
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