Page 18 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
P. 18

Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
 3.0  Folder (Inner)
 Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design                                                                                                         23

 3.0  Invoice Template

             OF THE KEHOA 2022/2023

           Chairperson - Michael Mortimer

           Michael has been a resident      time, he enjoys mountain
           of Kyalami Estates since 2006.   biking and other athletic
                                            pursuits, and loves getting
           He is married to Angela and   Entity: Kyalami Estates
                                    Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
           they have two adult children,   Entity Reg No:
                                            away for weekends into the
                                       Invoice Date: xx May 2019
           Rebecca (25) and Thomas (22).    country with his family and
           He is a qualified attorney         Bill to:
           and conveyancer, and is          “I have chosen to serve on
           currently the Head of the        the Board of Directors of the
           South African Division for       KEHOA, as I believe in getting
                                                           Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
                   Attention:xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                          Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
           ABSA Bank Commercial             involved rather than ‘shouting
                                                             PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
           Property Finance. In his spare   from the side-lines’!” he says.
           Sibabalwe Mlungwana – Finance
                                          Your Reference:
                                                                     Tax Reference:
                 Kyalami Estates           Kyalami Estates            Kyalami Estates
                                             of experience in Corporate       play the piano and bass guitar,
                                             and Project Finance, and the     just in case accounting doesn’t
                                             Automotive Retail sector. As     work.”
                                             a petrolhead, he has been
                 Description:                Unit Price              Tax Reference:
                                             R000 0000
                Xxxxx       xxxxxxxxx        fortunate to be able to combine   “My responsibility as Finance
                                                                        R000 0000
                                             his passion for cars with his
                Xxxxx        xxxxxxx        R000 00000                  R000 0000 Director is the best use of
                                             day-to-day job. Siba is also the   my professional expertise.
                                             Chairman of the Board of an      Finance is an integral part
                                             NGO that provides remedial       of any organisation and the
                                      Sub Total: R000 000.00
                                             Maths and English literacy
                                      VAT 15%: R000 000.00                    processes and procedures
                                             programmes to primary schools
                                        Total: R000 000.00                    need to be reviewed regularly
                                             in Alexandra township.           to ensure compatibility with
                                                                              the changing organisational
                                     Account Name: Kyalami Estates
                                             “When I’m not selling cars,
                                           Bank: Investec                     and regulatory landscape. I
                                             I strive for balance as a
                                        Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              intend to work hand in hand
                                             husband and father to three
                                        Account Type: Current                 with the management team to
           Siba and his family have      Branch Code: xxxxxx                  explore ways of enhancing the
                                             lovely children (12, 11 and 5)
           recently moved into the estate.   that keep me occupied and        financial reporting function,
                                        Estate Office & Administration
           He is a Chartered Accountant by   entertained at the same time.    benchmarking with available
                                  Tel: (011) 468 3001/2  |  Fax: (011) 468 1246
           profession, with eighteen years   When I let my guard down, I      best practices,” he says.
                                      PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
 16   Kyalami Estates •   16  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022
 CONNECT • Issue 2 •
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