Page 23 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
P. 23
“We built our first home in Kyalami Estates as a newly
married couple in 1995. Over time, we added on,
renovated and loved our home for 26 years. Our
three children have grown up here and we have loved
what the estate offers families at every stage of life. It
in doing so it was
has given us a privileged lifestyle and it is an absolute “
pleasure to be able to sell this lifestyle to prospective so much more than
new residents.” just a brand buy in,
We take great care in facilitating our client’s real life we were buying
journey to property buying, selling, renting and letting.
We understand how big an investment property is, into a family run
how it is a financial investment as much as it is an business
emotional one. How crucial it is to have someone
who is as equally invested as you are - someone ”
who will guide you each step of the way, offering real
support and expert advice during an often daunting
and convoluted process. And that’s just what and who
we pride ourselves on being.
Belinda and her family moved into the estate 22 Our brand campaign is a reflection of the Jawitz
years ago. Collectively, they have had the privilege of Properties values of open communication,
living in and owning numerous homes here over the transparency and integrity. This, coupled with an
years. “It has been the most wonderful place to raise extensive knowledge of the estates we market is
my family, wonderful friendships have been forged what sets us apart.
that will last a lifetime and I am passionate about the
estate. I feel very privileged to do the work that I do, Whoever you are and whatever your residential and
it is wonderful to rediscover and be reminded daily of commercial property needs may be we, at Jawitz
all the estate has to offer and the sheer beauty of it, Properties, look forward to offering you a positive and
when discovering it through the eyes of new visitors.” memorable property experience.
Principal Property Practitioner - National Property Practitioner
Rental Consultant of the Year 22021/22
082 835 0099 082 457 4202 083 676 6012
Office Awards
1st Place Franchise of the Year 2021/22 Platinum Rental Turnover
We’re Real about Real Estate.