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3.0 Folder (Inner)
Burnaby Mountain Park
Ketchican, Alaska
he port of embarkation was We found Canadians to be very mountains that surround Vancouver
Vancouver in the Canadian friendly and often, when talking to and is just fifteen minutes from the
province of British Columbia Liron, those passing by heard that city centre. A cable car transports
Tand we decided to spend we were not local and immediately one to the plateau at the top of
some time there before the cruise, started chatting to us and were the mountain where a lumberjack
exploring Canada’s third largest genuinely interested to hear about show is often held for tourists. Two
city. We also booked a bird guide to South Africa. rehabilitated grizzly bears are at
show us some of the birds of British home on the mountain and we
Columbia. We preferred not to drive in were fortunate enough to be able
Vancouver so we made extensive to photograph them. A ski lift then
We arrived in Vancouver after a use of Uber to get around. We visited takes one to the start of the ski slope,
rather tiring 24 hours of flying. Burnaby Mountain Park , which from which even in midsummer had the
However, we gained nine hours its high vantage point afforded great remains of thick snow.
due to the many time zones that views of Vancouver and its vast
we crossed, so once at the hotel harbour. Birds seen here included During a tour of downtown Vancouver,
we were able to catch up on a little Red-breasted Sapsucker, Dark-eyed whilst admiring the very modern
sleep. The next day, our bird guide, Junco and Red-tailed Hawk. architectural style of the high-rise
Liron Gersman, collected us at the buildings, we were dismayed to see
hotel and took us to some of the Other places of interest that we many homeless people living in tents
local birding spots including: Grant visited were the Capilano Salmon on the city pavements. Vancouver is
Narrows, Sturgeon Slough, Colony Hatchery and Capilano Suspension the most expensive city in Canada
Farm and Burnaby Lake. Liron was Bridge Park. The latter was aptly and property prices are exorbitant,
excellent and identified birds in named after the long suspension with even a modest two-bedroom
flight, and many by sound. He also bridge strung across a deep ravine apartment costing over two million
quickly set up his spotting scope to and the elevated boardwalks between dollars.
enable close-up sights of the smaller the magnificent maple and cedar
birds. Sightings included Cedar trees in the park. Vancouver has a very cosmopolitan
Waxwing, Lazuli Bunting, Rufous population with almost 50%
Hummingbird, Sandhill Crane, Grouse Mountain that hosts a of residents speaking a first
Spotted Towhee and many others. popular ski resort, is one of the many language other than English. Being
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2022 15
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022 23