Page 21 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
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                                                                                           ESTATE NEWS

           Noncedo (aka Noni) Dlamini –

           Having transitioned from a        Communications Director
           technical background of Chemical   last year.
           Engineering, Noni is currently
           a Commercial Finance/Strategy     “My family and I have stayed in
           and Performance Management        Kyalami Estates for the past 10
           Professional at BP (British       years and we have enjoyed calling
           Petroleum). She has worked in the   the estate our home. My house
           oil and gas industry for over 15   overlooks the bird sanctuary, a
           years and has served on various   view I would absolutely not want
           sub-committees of different       to trade as it relaxes me and
           boards (Finance Committee,        connects me with nature. My
           CAPEX committee, Business         family and I enjoy taking walks to
           Committee, to name a few) and in   a couple of the parks in the estate
           some instances, she has been the   and feeding the ducks,” she says. “I
           Chairwoman. Noni has completed    am clearly an outdoor person and
           a post graduate programme in Data  when time permits, I enjoy hiking,   she says. “I am a person who
           Science and Business Analytics    and often include it in a holiday   always looks out for best practices.
           (University of Texas Business     schedule.”                        My reason for serving on the Board
           School), has an MBA (GIBS), and                                     of Directors of the KEHOA is to
           BSc Chemical Engineering Degree   “The core values that I live by   ensure that the residents continue
           (UCT). She served on the  Board   are inclusion, respect, fairness,   to obtain value for their levies and
           of Directors of the KEHOA as the   collaboration and transparency,”   enjoy the lifestyle offered here.”
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                                                                                                                            Kyalami Estates •
                                                                                                                            CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2022
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