Page 19 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
Anthony Walley – Vice Chairperson
and Security
Anthony is a competing against
business consultant a hidden opponent
specialising in the that does not play by
human aspects any rules,” he says.
of corporate “With assistance from
performance and our security team,
leadership. He is also and the Board, I aim
a community activist to ensure that the
and entrepreneur. He security system is
has lived in Kyalami re-evaluated during
Estates since 2000 2022, to maintain
and served on the compliance with
Jeanne Strauss Board of Directors of the KEHOA the highest possible standards
– Compliance from 2013 to 2016 with the team of protection that we can afford,
whilst continuing our trajectory of
that kick-started the security
upgrades and delivered the fibre constant upgrades based on the
Jeanne and her husband internet and cellular upgrades to current strategy. We will also strive
have lived in Kyalami Estates the estate. to address security in the broader
for the past six years. Their context along our boundaries.”
two children participate in Anthony’s portfolio is Security,
many of the activities on offer which is arguably the most critical “I stay active by running slowly,
in the estate and she and reason to live in our lovely, safe riding fast motorcycles, playing
her husband are members estate. He chose this portfolio shocking golf, hunting, shooting,
of the Kyalami Wine Society. so that he can use his 20+ years hiking, diving and exercising
Last year, she served as the of communication technology our dogs. I am a licensed radio
Legal Director on the Board of experience to make sense amateur and enjoy experimenting
Directors of the KEHOA. of what is fundamentally an with technology. I am the best bad
interconnected system of complex guitar player and worst vocalist my
technologies. friends have ever heard. I have a
Jeanne’s formal qualifications very patient wife of 28 years and
include a Master’s Degree “Securing our estate is akin to two amazing adult sons.”
in Law (LLM) and she is a
litigation attorney. She is also
a qualified mediator and has a Aligasen Naidu – Maintenance
special interest in alternative
dispute resolution and social Aligasen has lived including being the
justice. In addition, she serves in the estate for 21 CEO and Founder
years. He is married to
of PDNA Consulting
on the Board of Directors Sarmashni, and they Engineers, a Director
of two private companies, have a daughter, Kaira at Thyssen Krupp
one of which is a not-for- who is currently in SA and Bateman SA.
profit company and NGO, Grade 12 at Beaulieu In 2010, he was the
supporting the community College. President of SAICE
of Tembisa. and continues to be
Aligasen’s background a Fellow Member.
“My motivation in serving is Civil Engineering He is also a Board
on the Board of Directors of and he is a registered Member of CIDB. He is
the KEHOA is to ensure that Professional Engineer. currently a Director at
our estate remains a safe He has a B.Sc in Civil Engineering ENZA Construction.
and secure environment, from Natal University and a
and a vibrant and inclusive Graduate Diploma from Wits. His He plays cricket occasionally, does
community for all residents to career spans 35 odd years and lots of odd jobs around the house
enjoy,” she says. he has been in various senior and enjoys spending time with his
positions in many companies, family.
Kyalami Estates •
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022 17 CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2022