Page 22 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 22



             he Silver Lakes field excursion took
             place  on  Saturday,  11  November
        Tin  our  beautiful  game  reserve.
        We  enjoyed  an  amazing  walk  through
        the reserve. The weather was fine as the
        surface  had  dried  perfectly  after  the  rain
        that was experienced earlier in the week,
        so everyone was comfortable.

        By  choosing  an  anti-clockwise  route,  we
        strategically  kept  the  sun  behind  us,  so
        it  provided  us  with  good  visibility  in  the
        golden morning light.

        The receding surface water revealed a
        terrain  punctuated  by  the  resonant  bass
        bellows  of  bullfrogs,  a  soundtrack  that
        accompanied us throughout the morning.   As  we  meandered  through  the  reserve,   sources,  offered  us  glimpses  of  the
        These well-protected amphibians became   the  local  wildlife  made  its  appearance.   reserve’s natural diversity. The waterfowl
        a focal point of discussion, marking a small   The gray or common duiker and a variety   added  a  touch  of  charm,  nesting  and
        victory for conservation efforts.    of  birds,  particularly  around  the  water   going about their routines, while finches

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