Page 25 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 25

tasty  lunch.  Their  involvement  went
        beyond  monetary  support,  showcasing
        a  community  where  businesses  actively
        participate in and enhance local initiatives.

        The  collaboration  between  Pam  Golding
        Properties,  the  HOA,  Yolande  Ehlers,
        Cancervive, and Hammond Pole Attorneys
        exemplifies  the  strength  that  emerges
        when a community unites for a common
                                              “In the spirit of unity and compassion, our Breast Cancer Awareness campaign invites
        Residents and stakeholders  alike are   you to join a cause that transcends fabric and clasps: the Pre-Loved Bra initiative,” says
        encouraged to participate actively in this   Cancervive CEO Marlene Nortje.
        annual campaign in order to foster a sense
        of  unity  and  shared  responsibility.  The   “Many breast cancer patients find themselves facing not only the physical challenges of
        annual event serves as a reminder that   the disease but also the emotional toll that accompanies it. Your donated pre-loved bras
        even  small,  community-based  initiatives   will become more than just garments; they will be symbols of support for those who may
        can  contribute  significantly  to  broader   not have the luxury of owning a bra.
        social  causes,  creating  a  ripple  effect  of
        awareness and support.                “For survivors of mastectomies or lumpectomies, the need for a properly fitting bra extends
                                              beyond mere comfort; it’s a crucial element in supporting prostheses and maintaining a
        Beyond  the  simple  act  of  donating  bras,   sense of normality.
        the  initiative  acts  as  a  catalyst  for  open
        conversations   about   breast   cancer,   “Your generosity will directly impact the lives of these resilient individuals, helping them
        encouraging education and early detection   find comfort and confidence amid adversity.
        – vital components in the fight against the
        disease.                              “This campaign resonates deeply with the patients at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital
                                              Oncology and Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. By contributing your
        Special  appreciation  goes  to  Inge  de   pre-loved bras, you extend a gesture of dignity to those navigating the challenges of breast
        Klerk  from  Pam  Golding  Properties   cancer. Join us in making a tangible difference.
        and  Hammond  Pole  Attorneys  for  their
        instrumental roles in making this initiative   “Embrace the cause, donate your pre-loved bras, and let us together weave a tapestry of
        a  resounding  success.  Their  dedication   support for those bravely facing breast cancer. Your contribution may seem small, but its
        to  the  cause  and  their  tireless  efforts   impact is immeasurable – it’s a gesture of care that transcends the boundaries of fabric
        in  orchestrating  the  Breast  Cancer   and clasps, echoing the strength and resilience of those touched by breast cancer.
        Awareness  campaign  at  Silver  Lakes
        deserve  acknowledgment  and  gratitude   “Together, let’s uplift, support and empower,” appeals Nortje.
        from the entire community.

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