Page 24 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
P. 24





          n  a  remarkable  display  of  community
          spirit,  Silver  Lakes  Golf  and  Wildlife
       IEstate witnessed the launch of a Breast
        Cancer  Awareness  campaign  initiated  by
        Pam Golding Properties. Marking the first
        of many to come, this campaign is set to
        become a significant event on the estate’s
        calendar, taking place every October.

        From  its  inception,  the  campaign  has
        received  wholehearted  backing  from
        the  HOA,  underlining  the  community’s
        commitment  to  rallying  behind  important
        causes.  Yolande  Ehlers,  captain  of  the
        ladies’ golf team, has played a pivotal role in
        championing the cause among the golfing
        community,  amplifying  the  campaign’s
        reach within Silver Lakes.

        The drive, which kicked off in a strong and
        vibrant  way,  had  a  unique  and  creative
        element – the introduction of two “boobie   The campaign reached its pinnacle during   added  a  profound  layer  of  significance  to
        bins” strategically placed within the estate.   Marketing Tuesday at the ladies’ golf event,   the campaign, emphasising the importance
        These bins served as collection points for   turning  it  into  a  platform  for  impactful   of understanding, empathy and unity in the
        Silver Lakers to generously donate their   awareness.  Marlene  Nortje,  the  CEO  of   face of breast cancer.
        pre-loved bras.                      Cancervive, took centre stage. She shared
                                             crucial information about breast cancer as   Contributing  to  the  success  of  the  day,
        All  bras  collected  during  this  initiative   well  as  heartfelt  insights  that  resonated   Hammond  Pole  Attorneys  stepped  in
        have been channelled towards supporting   with  everyone  present.  Her  presence   generously  by  treating  the  ladies  to  a
        the  cause  through  a  partnership  with
        Cancervive, a prominent charity dedicated
        to breast cancer awareness and support.

        In  choosing  Cancervive,  the  campaign
        ensures  that  the  donated  bras  contribute
        directly  to  programmes  and  initiatives
        aimed  at  creating  awareness  and  at
        providing support to those affected.

        The  Breast  Cancer  Awareness  campaign
        not only serves as a reminder of the impact
        of  breast  cancer,  but  also  highlights  the
        power  of  community-driven  initiatives.
        Pam  Golding  Properties  has  sparked
        a  meaningful  tradition  within  Silver
        Lakes  –  and  has  reinforced  the  estate’s
        commitment to social responsibility.

        22 | INTRAMUROS DECEMBER 2023
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