Page 57 - Energize November 2021
P. 57


                                                                                  the solids (by conduction), allows the coil
                                                                                  size to be many times smaller than those in
                                                                                  conventional boilers.

                                                                                  Fuel and sorbent feeding
                                                                                  The fuel feeding system consists typically
                                                                                  of two to four independent fuel feed
                                                                                  lines, divided equally to front and rear
                                                                                  walls of the furnace. One fuel feeding
                                                                                  line generally includes a fuel silo, a fuel
                                                                                  feeder, a fuel conveyor and discharge to the
                                                                                  feeding points. Feeding points are located
                                                                                  symmetrically to each furnace section to
                                                                                  ensure uniform combustion in the furnace.
                                                                                  Compared to fuel feeding, sorbent feeding is
                                                                                  relatively easy and flexible. Sorbent can be
        Figure 5: Vertical water wall design (Sumitomo Foster Wheeler)            fed pneumatically into the furnace through
                                                                                  openings on the front wall, side wall, rear
        Heat transfer system                 gases (sodium and potassium chlorides) in   wall and/or loop seal. Alternatively, a
        The boiler walls are lined with water   the hot furnace flue gas. To cope with this   mechanical feed system can be employed.
        tubes as in a PC boiler, but a significantly   situation, boiler designers use expensive
        different layout is used. The uniform heat   alloys and recommend a high level of   Air feeding distribution system
        distribution within the FBC allows vertical   cleaning and maintenance for these coils.  Air supply to the CFBC furnace is divided
        tubing to be used instead of wrap-around   This design weakness is avoided in   into primary and secondary air. The
        is shown in Figure 5.                CFB boilers by submerging these coils in   primary air (approximately 50% of the
           A convective pass which may contain   hot solids, returned from the cyclone and   combustion air) is introduced through a
        superheaters, reheaters, economisers   fluidised by clean air in heat exchangers   nozzle grid in the floor to fluidise. An air
        and air heaters, are arranged in the same   before return to the bed, which protects   preheater is located in the flue gas path.
        order in the gas flow direction. There are   them from the corrosive flue-gas (see
        in-line and over-the-top designs for the   Figure 6). The bubbling solids efficiently   Bottom ash extraction system
        convective back pass. The in-line design   conduct their heat to the steam contained   Another parameter influencing the
        locates the back pass on the same side of   in the coils and as the solids never melt or   concept of a CFB boiler is the ash content
        the cyclone relative to the furnace. With   soften, fouling and corrosion of these coils   of the coal. Bed ash will be discharged
        the over-the-top design, the back pass is   are minimal. The high heat transfer rates of   usually from CFB combustors at about
        located on the opposite side of the cyclone
        relative to the furnace. External heat
        exchangers (EHEs) are generally located
        downstream of the cyclones. The cyclones
        or other solids collection device may be
        cooled with steam or water in order to
        reduce wear of materials, and in this case
        steam or hot water is produced.

        Final superheater/reheater
        Another very important feature of a CFB
        boiler is the final superheat and reheat
        steam coils. These coils operate at the
        highest metal temperatures in the boiler,
        which makes them vulnerable to corrosion
        and fouling. This vulnerability increases
        significantly for supercritical boilers with
        high steam temperatures. In a conventional
        PC boiler these coils are suspended
        from the furnace ceiling and are directly
        exposed to the slagging ash and corrosive   Figure 6: Two stage ash cooler (Doosan Lentjes)

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