Page 55 - Energize November 2021
P. 55


        (Henderson, 2003; Wu, 2006). Contrary   This type of burner can process a wider   Conventional technology results in a
        to NOx, low combustion temperatures   range of combustible material than most   high temperature flame whereas CFB uses
        enhance the formation of N 2O. Reduction   conventional combustion systems and it is   high temperature mobile hot solids to burn
        of N 2O can be achieved by increasing the   used for a variety of applications including   the fuel in a flameless combustion process.
        volatile content of the fuel, air staging, NH 3   waste and biomass combustion, and for
        injection and sorbent addition.      burning poor quality fossil fuels.   Flameless combustion
                                               The fluidised bed comprises inert, non-  Normal coal combustion produces a
        Uniform temperature distribution     combustible material, usually sand, which   flame, generated by the combustion of
        throughout boiler                    is fluidised by pumping air from below.   volatile material which has been gasified.
        The flue gas temperature profile is   Combustible material, either in small   Flameless combustion (FC) occurs in the
        homogenous throughout the furnace,   particle or shredded form, is added to the   solid material bed only and is a lower
        which lowers stress due to reduced   fluidised bed through a feed system. The   temperature combustion within the body
        differential temperature between the gas   fuel may be supplemented with additional   of the fuel. This form of combustion has
        and water side.                      fuel such as natural gas or liquid fuel such   the advantage of uniform heat distribution
                                             as diesel during start-up, or to aid the   and controlled temperature. Also known
        Fluidised bed combustion             complete combustion of poor quality fuels   as mild combustion, this process has
        Conventional coal fired boilers use a   such as municipal waste. Once combustion   very low pollutant emissions, especially
        pulverised coal (PC) firing system, where   has started it will normally continue   thermal NOx and CO, which are lowered to
        the solid fuel is dried and finely ground and   unaided so long as sufficient fuel is added   residual values, while maintaining a high
        blown into the boiler (using air), where it   to the bed.                 thermal performance of the system. Under
        ignites and burns for a few seconds while   Fluidised-bed technology offers a   the special conditions of the combustion
        transiting the boiler before the hot gases   good fuel flexibility. Solid fuel and other   process, the reactions take place in a
        and ash residue exit the boiler. The flame   combustible matter make up less than 3%   volume sustained by the hot medium
        and particles are in contact with the boiler   by weight of the hot solids present in the   above the self-ignition temperature, and
        pipes. This results in very high temperatures,   bed.  This large source of thermal energy   it is not possible to observe any visible
        in the region of 1300 to 1700°C, with   provides an extremely steady combustion   flame or luminous effect. The opposite
        resultant ash melting and slag formation.   environment which is relatively insensitive   case occurs in conventional combustion
           The fluidised bed combustion system   to variations in fuel quality. The fuel   systems where reactions are concentrated
        exploits the rapid mixing properties of   particles fed to the furnace are quickly   in a narrow flame front. An important
        a fluid, by converting a mass of solid   dispersed into the large mass of bed   advantage of boilers which operate under
        particles into a “fluid” by pumping air   solids, which rapidly heat the fuel particles   the flameless regime is their ability to burn
        through the bed of particles from below.   above their ignition temperature without   fuels of changing and fluctuating quality, or
        This agitation of the bed causes the   any significant drop in the temperature   LCV fuels.
        particles to become “fluidised” so that they   of the bed solids. This feature makes it   FC offers better mass heat transfer
        mix rapidly with one another and with the   possible to burn almost any fuel without   characteristics than flamed combustion
        air injected into the bed, conditions which   the use of auxiliary fuels and allows for   Problems with flamed combustion are
        accelerate reactions between particles   several fuels to be burnt without major   that the flame is variable in shape and
        as well as combustion within the bed.   changes in the hardware.          position-variable. Fuel also does not melt,
                                                                                  avoiding fouling of radiant and convective
                                                                                  heating tubes.

                                                                                  Heat transfer processes
                                                                                  There are three heat transfer processes
                                                                                  in FBC.
                                                                                  •  Radiant: From the burning bed and
                                                                                   circulating hot fuel - mainly to wall
                                                                                   pipes. This differs from PC where radiant
                                                                                   energy from the flame is used. Even heat
                                                                                   distribution allows better control and
                                                                                   lower temperature.
                                                                                  •  Convection: From hot gases passing
                                                                                   over various heating stages in the flue
                                                                                   gas path.
                                                                                  •  Conduction: From hot returning fuel
        Figure 2: Example of a fluidised bed                                       particles in the fluidised heat exchanger.

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