Page 49 - Energize February 2022
P. 49


        Registration and application for
        Under the current South African policy
        and legal framework, any generation,
        transmission or distribution facility
        operation shall be licensed or registered
        with the National Energy Regulator of
        South Africa (Nersa). There are three
        stages in the process: Registration,
        licensing and ministerial determination.
        Embedded generation with a capacity
        between 100 kW and 100 MW requires
        registration with Nersa but does
        not need to be part of a ministerial
        determination and does not require a
        generation license.
           Generation facilities with a
        capacity above 100 MW must be
        licenced by Nersa and be part of a
        ministerial determination and national
        procurement. Any generation connected
        to the grid must be registered with the
        relevant transmission or distribution   Figure 1: Registration procedure for embedded generators in terms of Schedule 2 of the
        grid operator which will determine the   Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006)
        regulations for such grid connection.
                                             Table 1 below details the current Nersa licensing and registration and the application for
        Distribution utilities will assess   connection (distributor registration) for different embedded generation system sizes.
        embedded generation applications of
        between 1 and 100 MW as previously,   Why is compliance needed?
        based on NRS097-2-3 parameters, the   •  To ensure the safe connection of systems
        NRS097-2-1 certification requirement   •  To ensure compliance with safety regulations (Safety for staff and customers)
        and grid impact studies beyond the   •  To ensure the integrity of grid infrastructure
        NRS097-2-3. Aligned with the distribution   •  To allow for appropriate planning of future grid upgrades and maintenance
        utility’s requirements, the amended
        Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation   Legally, the registration and licensing of embedded generation vests with Nersa and
        Act 4 of 2006 gives the regulator the   not municipalities. Regulation is an administrative activity and Nersa has developed
        power to vary, suspend or remove any   the applicable procedures. Nonetheless, there is still confusion around application for
        registration that does not comply with   registration (by Nersa) and application for connection (by the electricity distributor). There
        the grid code or the distribution utilities’   are two stages to the registration procedure for embedded generation systems between 100
        regulations. Essentially, there are three   kW and 100 MW, as detailed in Figure 1.
        separate processes to clarify:         Firstly, the connection application must be made to the local municipality or Eskom to
        •  Registration with Nersa           connect the generation facility to the electricity grid. Once this process has been completed,
        •  Generation licensing with Nersa   an application must be made to Nersa to register the generation facility. This requires a letter
        •  Application for connection (distributor   from the local electricity distributor (municipality or Eskom) confirming that connection
          utility)                           permission has been granted.

        Table 1: Licensing and registration for different system sizes

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