Page 45 - Energize February 2022
P. 45


                                                               Figure 2: UPS waveforms (Kstar)

                                                               •  Pure sinewave: The requirement for a pure sinewave comes from
                                                                 motors and some switched thyristor input equipment. Neither
        Figure 1: UPS configurations                             of these equipment types works well with any waveform other
                                                                 than pure sinewave. The pure sinewave is the required output
           Furthermore, there may be a difference of loads on different   for industrial UPS systems. The other two are found in smaller
        phases of a 3-phase system, meaning that the central UPS will be   systems or systems that are only required to drive resistive loads
        sized for the heaviest loaded phase on all three phases, whereas   or loads that are essentially DC and use converters at the front
        using single phase UPS systems will reduce sizes. Three-phase UPSs   end. This includes most IT equipment. The pure sinewave is
        are generally the preferred choice for high kVA applications, which   generally produced using pulse width modulation techniques.
        are typically more sophisticated and have high computer densities.
        Large multi-story buildings, data centres and industrial facilities   Motor requirements
        protecting high-power processes, are typical three-phase UPS   Both synchronous and induction motors require a smooth rotating
        applications, as they need to distribute large amounts of power   electric field at the fundamental frequency. Any waveform other
        over relatively long distances.                        than pure sine contains harmonics which will set up rotating fields
           Single-phase UPSs tend to be a sensible and economical option   at odd multiples of the fundamental frequency, which interfere
        for simpler, smaller applications with low kVA requirements, which   with the fundamental field. The effect of using non sinewave
        are typically seen in the home, small businesses and in remote or   output on AC motors includes erratic speed, overheating or simple
        satellite offices where the load is less than 20 kVA.   failure to work at all. Obviously the square wave output is the
        Transformer vs. transformerless designs
        Transformer-based UPS systems                          Thyristor fired circuits requirements
          There has been a move to the use of transformerless UPS   Thyristor circuits make use of a controlled variable firing angle
          systems in the commercial sector, but the demands of industrial   to control the power drawn by a device. This relies upon a pure
          loads favour transformer-based UPSs. Although more expensive   sinewave to function correctly. Any other waveform will cause
          and generally less efficient than transformerless systems,   malfunction.
          transformer-based UPS systems are more robust for harsh loads
          on the output.                                       UPS sizing for specific industrial loads
                                                               The UPS has to be sized to cater for a variety of loads, from static
        Output wave shape                                      constant loads to dynamic motor start and inrush loads. Typical
        The output wave shape is critical for industrial UPS systems. Three   industrial loads include both induction and synchronous motors,
        types of waveforms are used in UPS systems (Figure 2).  and the UPS must be sized to cater for the start-up current of these
                                                               loads. Today’s industrial systems also incorporate capacitive input
        •  Modified square wave: This is the cheapest version to produce   converters as well as transformers and the inrush current of these
          and simply consists of a single reversed pulse per cycle.  The   devices needs to be considered, as well as that due to motor start-
          harmonic content is high.                            up operations.
        •  Modified sinewave or pseudo sinewave: This consists of a
          stepped pulse per cycle and attempts to simulate the sinewave.   Motors
          The number of steps will determine the cost and effectiveness   Motors have two states: the normal running state under load, and
          of the unit. The harmonic content of the output is less than the   the start-up state. The start-up state will determine the size of both
          square wave but is still of a level that can affect operation of   the inverter, the battery and the transformer of the UPS. The start–
          equipment.                                           up current will determine the kVA rating of the UPS. The inverter

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