Page 48 - Energize February 2022
P. 48


        The registration and application

        processes for embedded

        generation connection

        by Argon Poorun and Jack Radmore, GreenCape

        This article provides information on the registration and application for connection processes for embedded
        generation (1 Megawatt (MW) to 100 MW) as per the Amended Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006
        on 5 October 2021. It is the responsibility of local installers/developers to ensure that their clients are informed of the
        correct procedure to avoid repercussions in the future.

             he South African embedded       Africa’s total electricity demand. The remaining 5% of demand is met through municipalities,
             generation market has grown     imports and independent power producers (IPP).
        Tsignificantly over the last six years   Energy demand has distinctly flattened since 2010, resulting in reduced demand for
        to reach an estimated installed capacity   coal-based electricity. Over more than ten years, a historic supply and demand imbalance in
        of 1,5 GW in 2021. Projects of less than   South Africa’s single buyer energy model resulted in intensive load shedding, experienced
        1 MW have largely driven this to date.   country-wide from 2008 to 2015 and again during 2019, 2020 and 2021.
        The national regulatory environment has   According to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa
        struggled to keep pace with this growing   experienced loadshedding for 650 hours in H1-2021 (15% of the time), wherein 963
        market. This gap between local market   GWh of estimated energy was shed (mostly Stage 2 loadshedding). This is 76% of the
        innovation and national regulations has   total loadshedding experienced during 2020, which indicates that 2021 will be the worst
        led to stakeholder uncertainty, increased   loadshedding year to-date.
        project risk, and ultimately increased   The extent of loadshedding experienced was largely driven by the existing coal fleet’s
        unregistered systems.                declining Energy Availability Factor (EAF). Overall, the EAF was 61.3% for H1-2021 (relative
           In an attempt to maximise the positive   to 65% in 2020 and 66.9% in 2019). A concerning shift of the unplanned outage component
        impact potential of this market, align   of the EAF has also been highlighted where unplanned outages of up to 15 300 MW were
        policy with market changes and create   experienced and were greater than 10 000 MW for more than 80% of H1-2021.
        market certainty, the Department of
        Mineral Resources and Energy gazetted   Embedded generation
        the Amended Schedule 2 of the Electricity   The national embedded generation market for installations, operation and maintenance of
        Regulation Act 4 of 2006 on 5 October   rooftop solar PV has grown over the last decade. Rising electricity tariffs, decreasing solar
        2021 (third Amendment). The Amendment   PV costs and energy security remain the main drivers of this market. In 2021 the market
        increases the threshold for embedded   shows signs of accelerating as loadshedding continues amidst electricity price increases and
        generation from 1 MW to 100 MW       cheaper renewable energy.
        without a license. The intervention to   It is estimated that there is a total of 1,5 GWp of installed solar PV rooftop systems
        reform the electricity regulation act has   throughout South Africa, with close to 400 MWp of rooftop solar PV installed in South Africa
        been hailed as a positive way forward   in the last 12 months. The total annual available market could continue to grow at this rate
        by the energy sector and industry across   to a saturation point of approximately 500 MWp installed per year, reaching a total of 7,5
        the board. It is envisaged that this step   GWp of installed capacity by 2035.
        will unlock significant investment in new   One of the barriers in the market is stakeholder uncertainty and increased project risk
        generation capacity.                 on the back of the indistinct regulatory landscape. The lack of clarity will impact both future
                                             projects and projects already completed. This is particularly true when it comes to the
        South African energy landscape       licensing and registration of embedded generation systems. If installed systems are found
        South Africa’s electricity demand is   not to be correctly licensed or registered, then customers can be charged a service fee for
        currently dominated by coal-fired power   the disconnection of unauthorised connections.
        generation stations, primarily owned and   The supply of electricity to the property in question may also be disconnected. It will
        operated by Eskom, the national power   only be reconnected once the relevant authority is satisfied that the system is disconnected,
        utility. Eskom supplies about 95% of South   decommissioned or authorised and that the service fee has been paid.

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