Page 15 - EngineerIT October 2022
P. 15


           Usually, specialist IoT platforms   Furthermore, inter-operability is an important characteristic of a successful IoT platform.
        are built solely for connectivity,   This means that businesses and service providers need to build IoT systems, platforms
        device management, or mobile         and solutions that can adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape. Businesses
        device management. Not all business   simply cannot risk building (or buying) a ‘future-proof’ IoT solution that is built on siloed
        cases require a combination of       legacy infrastructure.
        device, connectivity and mobile        Along with inter-operability, businesses require complete visibility of their IoT
        device management. However, some     estate. This is where web-based dashboards and other visualisation tools can provide
        service providers do offer integrated   an overview of the state of devices, as well as how they interact and engage with one
        systems that cover all three of these   another.
           There are several common features   PaaS versus SaaS
        found on virtually any IoT platform.   Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings account for approximately 20% of global cloud
        These include the digital services that   services. As the name suggests, a PaaS environment provides the business with
        run in the cloud to which the physical   everything from the runtime to middleware and operating systems. It delivers the
        devices connect.                        building blocks to do most things required from an IoT system. This is very much a
           The firmware that runs                    do-it-yourself solution. And although many service providers advertise PaaS
        on IoT devices is also      Many service        offerings to be ‘easy’ DIY IoT solutions, there is a fair amount of expertise
        critical to enable       providers advertise      and knowledge required to know how disparate elements fit together
        communication with    PaaS offerings to be ‘easy’   and exactly how to integrate each layer of IoT.
        digital services.    DIY IoT solutions, but there is   Even though the company does not have to focus on the
        As part of this,    a fair amount of expertise and   underlying infrastructure needed for IoT, it must create an
        companies can      knowledge required to know how    environment in which the hardware and software integrate and
        send firmware       disparate elements fit together   deliver on business requirements. Despite significant upfront
        updates to the       and exactly how to integrate   investment in terms of resources, from hardware and software
        devices through the       each layer of IoT.       experts, going the PaaS route means the company can customise
        cloud, to ensure the                             everything according to its unique needs, with costs coming down once
        devices continually evolve                     the environment is operational.
        with new functionality and                   The big cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and
        features as required by the business.   Google Cloud all provide PaaS IoT offerings. Yet, it remains up to the organisation to get
        Alternatively, businesses are faced   the specialist skills in place to deliver an optimal working system.
        with manually updating the devices’
        firmware by pulling devices out of   SaaS – on-demand access… but only when you need it
        the field (resulting in downtime and   Expected to grow at 11% annually to 2028, the global SaaS market was valued at almost
        an increase in operational costs).   $166 billion at the end of 2021. Think of SaaS as a cloud service where applications are
        Furthermore, they could leave devices   delivered virtually.
        on stagnant firmware, which leads to   SaaS requires less software development and maintenance work as the service provider
        security risks or compatibility issues   takes care of that, but it offers limited flexibility to build customised business logic.
        with other applications that rely on the
        critical transmission of data from these   Flexibility
        devices. It is therefore essential to have   IoT platforms can be used to manage many different elements within an application: from
        tools and infrastructure in place to   managing each ‘layer’ like connectivity or device management, to building unique rules-
        update the device firmware over-the-air   engine-based applications that use internal logic to leverage data into actionable insights.
        (FOTA).                                Whether a company is going the PaaS or SaaS route, the cloud and infrastructure
           Central to the success of any     environment delivers the virtual plumbing to create an IoT platform capable of dealing
        IoT platform is the framework or     with immense loads to meet a company’s IoT needs. All that is left for the organisation
        infrastructure for data transmission and   is to introduce its customised services on top of the foundation provided by the cloud
        remote access to control devices. This   services providers.
        facilitates how the components interact   Having an IoT platform to operate from can inject a level of efficiency and productivity
        with one another. Without this in place,   into processes which were previously not possible by remaining with a traditional,
        the platform will merely be a set of   on-premises approach. Most importantly, an IoT platform built in the cloud delivers a
        disparate systems not communicating   hands-off, efficiency enabling businesses to improve their own customers’ experience -
        and integrating with one another.    an essential in today’s digital market.                            n

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