Page 32 - EngineerIT June 2022
P. 32


        WAPA encourages ICASA to release

        1,200 GHz of Wi-Fi 6E spectrum

            outh Africa could benefit by up to
            nearly $58 billion over the next 10
       Syears by enabling 1,200 license-
        exempt megahertz in the 6 GHz band,                                        Manufacturing Indaba
        helping the country to bridge the digital
        divide, as well as improve access to                                       21 and 22 June 2022
        remote education, work, and commerce.                                      Sandton Convention Centre
        But ICASA has so far failed to release it.                       
           The total $57.76 billion consists
        of $34.81 billion in GDP contribution,
        $13.32 in producer surplus, to South
        African businesses, and $9.63 billion in                                   Cybersecurity in the 5G
        consumer surplus.                    Paul Colmer
           Wireless Access Providers Association                                   and AI Era Summit
        (WAPA) collaborated with Dynamic     be so enormously beneficial across    22-23 June 2022
        Spectrum Alliance (DSA) in South Africa   the spectrum of society. Additionally,   Rosebank Johannesburg.
        over several months and are excited with   newer equipment and methods of
        the data that led to their findings. Three   using it are more spectrally efficient   To download the conference
        further studies were simultaneously   than ever before, which would extend   brochure: https://mogorosicomms.
        conducted by DSA and its partners for   the usefulness of the bandwidth even
        Nigeria, Kenya and Indonesia, all with   further.
        similar findings. The DSA is working with   The Wi-Fi 6E band is broken into
        the Digital Access Programme in the   two main portions. The lower band
        UK to share its spectrum expertise. The   encompasses 5,925 MHz to 6,425 MHz   AMSATSA Space
        study in South Africa and elsewhere was   and the upper band encompasses 6,425
        to assess the service quality, coverage   MHz up to 7,125 MHz. The DSA has urged   Symposium 2022
        and affordability impact of different   governments to provide unlicensed   Saturday 23 July 2022
        applications for the unlicensed use of the   access to the lower band and the 700
        6 GHz band.                          MHz of the upper band.                Midrand/Virtual
           The DSA’s president, Martha Suarez,   Wi-Fi 6E is WiFi6 extended. It
        said, “It will also play a crucial role   provides numerous 160 MHz channels
        in bridging the digital divide in these   and provides the fastest Wi-Fi yet
        countries, enabling improved access to   because it delivers multi-gigabit,
        remote education, work and commerce.   low latency connections essential to   Electra Mining Africa
        Wi-Fi needs greater spectrum access in   supporting  next generation services.    5 – 9 September 2022
        the 6 GHz band to effectively support the   Colmer says this will have a more positive
        modern digital ecosystem.”           effect than just making new spectrum   Johannesburg ExpoCentre
           “Opening up 1,2 GHz of unlicensed   available.
        spectrum would be phenomenal           “The current Wi-Fi 5 spectrum
        compared to the spectrum we have     is heavily congested because many
        available in South Africa right now,   devices are vying for the same band of   Africa Automation
        even after the recent high demand IMT   frequency. The end result is that it causes   Technology Fair 2023
        spectrum auction of 306 MHz,” says Paul   interference and that limits effective   9 – 11 May  2023
        Colmer, executive at WAPA. “To put that   ranges. New spectrum offloads some of
        in perspective, Wisps have been using   that traffic so not only is it not interfering   Johannesburg Expo Centre
        the same unlicenced sub-6 GHz point-  by using a different frequency band,   (NASREC)
        to-multipoint spectrum since the IECNS   there is less congestion on the old band,”   Africa Automation Fair
        licences were granted in 2009.”      he says. “That makes it more reliable,
           That’s why the prospect of bandwidth   faster, more effective and offers a bigger   (
        in the Wi-Fi 6E band of 6 GHz would   playing field for all.”

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