Page 39 - Energize November 2022
P. 39


        Benefits of variable speed drives

        in industrial applications

                                                   Information from ABB

        What is a variable speed drive?                        usually makes the start-up process very labour intensive as
        The basic function of a variable speed drive (VSD) is to control   starting a pumping station, for instance, could take one person
        the flow of energy from the mains to the process. Variable   up to an hour. The labour costs add up with personnel having
        speed drives sit between the electrical supply and the motor.   to sometimes travel long distances to remote sites. In some
        Power from the electrical supply goes into a drive and the   facilities this process is automated, but consumption of energy
        drive then regulates the power that is fed to the motor.  is poor.
           Inside the drive the input power is run through a rectifier
        that converts the incoming AC power to DC power. The DC   There is a more energy efficient alternative
        power is fed into the capacitors inside the drive. This is done   Running these applications with variable speed drives results
        to smooth out the electrical waveform which provides the   in instant savings in energy consumption while it also brings
        clean power supply for the next step. Power then flows from   long-term competitive advantages. Any process that is using
        the capacitors to the inverter, that changes the DC power to   electric motors can get important monetary savings and
        the output AC power which goes to the motor.           operational benefits with the use of variable speed drives. You
           This step allows the drive to adjust the frequency and the   might want to take a good look around your own operations
        voltage that fed into the motor based on your current process   and processes, no matter how big or small, to see where
        demands. This means you run your AC motors at the speed   targeted use of variable speed drives can help you get fast
        or the torque needed. This is why using the AC drives is very   financial payback and long-term competitive advantages.
           Besides saving energy, variable speed drives also help   How do variable speed drives regulate power to
        you reduce maintenance costs, waste and even ambient   match the motor’s speed to what is required by
        noise emissions. They are also a great way to help meet your   the process?
        environmental goals.                                   Figures 1 to 4 below describe the process graphically.

        What is the difference between a variable speed
        drive, a variable frequency drive and an AC
        Variable speed drives (VSD) are sometimes called Variable
        Frequency Drives (VFD) or AC drives.

        Using variable speed drives to control motors
        can lead to big savings
        Nearly 70% of all industrial electrical energy use goes to
        powering electric motors. These motors are the workhorses
        of business, from pumps moving fluids to fans moving air
        to compressors, conveyors, and every type of machine that
        depends on rotational force to get its job done. And it’s these
        motors that are key to helping you reduce your energy use and
        CO 2 emissions, or even finding more energy efficient solutions
        for your customers.
           Pumps, fans and compressors are often run at constant
        speed, with control of flow rate and destination being done   Figure 1: Convert incoming AC to DC: Incoming 3-phase AC power is fed
        by manual opening and closing of valves in the pipelines. This   into a rectifier that converts it to DC power.

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