Page 47 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 47


        Active harmonic filter design
        The active harmonic filtering solution was constructed from modular
        units. The OEM of these filtering modules is Merus Power Dynamics
        OY. They are a specialist power quality and harmonic filtering
        company based in Finland. RWW Engineering is the South African
        partner to Merus Power Dynamics OY.
           The AHF modules were installed into enclosures and fitted into
        the converted container. The container was fully insulated from
        external temperature variations and cooled via bulk air conditioning.
        RWW Engineering completed all the required site integration
        including the civil works, mechanical installation, electrical
        installation, SCADA development, protection integration, switchgear
        and other requirements.
           The filter modules are designed using a three level IGBT
        switching philosophy which increases the resolution, reduces the
        losses and audible noise and has greatly improved functionality
                                                               Figure 7: Special metering CT application
        compared to standard active filters on the market. Each module
        has its own touch screen where the local operator can modify the
        compensation requirements and parameters.
           The entire system is also networked to Merus Power directly
        for them to check and maintain all parameters. The end client also
        has access for their own operators and maintenance personnel.
        Each active harmonic filter module is individually protected via fuses
        and the entire system is protected by group fuses. Each module
        also has other internal protections against overcurrent, over and
        undervoltage, overtemperature and so on.
           Since the modules are actively controlled, they automatically
        limit their output current to the maximum allowed current, unlike
        passive filters which absorb harmonic currents without any control.
        If due to some transient event the module current exceeds the
        maximum allowed limit, the IGBTs can be shut down within a
                                                               Figure 8: Second and fifth order harmonic current trend in relation to total
        few microseconds to prevent damage to them or other internal
                                                               active power: pre- and post Merus A2 active harmonic filter installation
        components. The overtemperature control limits each module’s
        output current linearly if a threshold temperature is exceeded. The
        aim is to find a current level which keeps the temperatures below the   Results
        allowed limit.                                         Figure 8 shows the results of the active harmonic filter installation for
           The active harmonic filters can be programmed to automatically   harmonic current mitigation. Trend data to the left of the horizontal
        start up after a trip. For example, if there was a transient on the HV   marker indicates second and fifth harmonic order trending prior to
        grid and the active filters were tripped from overvoltage, they would   the switch-on period. Being set up for targeting the second and fifth
        automatically start up once the voltage was restored back to the   orders, the resulting mitigation can be clearly seen to the right of the
        acceptable level. This automatic feature also has a limit on how   marker line. The latter does conform to the limits set by the regulator
        many times a trip can happen before the module is locked and user   for grid-code compliance.
        action is required to restart it.
           The modules can also easily be repurposed into a Static   Summary
        Compensator (STATCOM) should this be a requirement with regards   This article provides a brief introduction into the requirements
        to low voltage ride-through (LVRT) on a wind plant. If needed, they   and solution for harmonic mitigation at a large wind farm in South
        could also be configured to balance asymmetrical currents at the   Africa. It is shown that the use of an active harmonic filter is a viable
        connection point.                                      solution and is often the only solution, due to ease of scalability and
                                                               limited risk of introducing further resonance into the system. The
        Current transformer requirements                       wind farm is now fully compliant with all power quality parameters,
        The correct selection of current transformers is paramount to   including harmonic current emissions.    n
        optimal performance of the active harmonic filters. Frequency
        response, burden, transfer ratios and physical sizes should all   Reference
        be carefully considered. The measurement of the high order   1.  Grid Connection Code for Renewable Power Plants (RPPs)
        harmonic currents required the implementation of a specially   connected to the Electricity Transmission System (TS) or
        manufactured metering CT with a high metering accuracy. This   the Distribution System (DS) in South Africa, Version 3.0,
        CT was installed around the bushing of the main 132 kV/33   August 2019.
        kV RPP transformer. It also has a special core construction
        to accurately measure the harmonic currents that the plant is   Contact Kyle Lass, RWW Engineering, Tel 011 433-8003,
        emitting into the system.                    

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