Page 48 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 48


        Identifying ageing and installation

        issues in an HV bushing

        Information from Megger

        This article deals with the testing of 69 kV bushings which are installed on a 10 MVA, 69/13,09 kV Dyn1
        two-winding transformer. After completing on-load tap changer (OLTC) maintenance on this 1969-vintage
        transformer, the utility owner conducted electrical tests.

        Overall transformer line frequency
        power factor (LF PF) tests
        Losses measured for the low-to-ground
        (CLG) and high-to-ground (CHG)
        insulation systems were higher than those
        measured for the interwinding, or high-
        to-low (CHL), insulation system of the
        transformer. The temperature-corrected
        (i.e., 20°C equivalent) LF PF test results
        for CLG and CHG insulation components
        were within acceptable limits (< 0,5%)
        and even within limits established for new   Table 1: Overall transformer LF PF test results - initial condition
        transformers. However, the CHG LF PF
        test result (at 0,43 %) was approximately
        1,8 times the CHL LF PF result (0,24%)
        (Table 1).
           Based on recent experiences using
        Narrowband Dielectric Frequency
        Response (NB DFR) testing and successes
        in finding hidden issues not observed by LF
        PF tests, a NB DFR test was carried out. A   Table 2: C1 test results for the high-side bushings, including 10 kV LF PF and 250 V NB DFR results,
        NB DFR test is the measurement of PF (%)   measured and temperature-corrected via the ITC method
        or DF (%) at different frequencies between
        1 Hz and 505 Hz.                     to determine a test specimen’s 20°C equivalent LF PF value when the specimen is power-
           In addition, the testing specialist   factor tested at a non-20°C temperature.
        performed 10 kV C1 LF PF tests on the   An ITC factor is a TC factor which is unique to every test specimen as it is based on the
        transformer’s high-side winding bushings   specimen’s specific condition. Note that the ITC factor for bushing H3 (about 0,6) is different
        (Table 2). The H3 bushing produced   than the ITC factors determined for bushings H1 and H2 (about 1,04). The non-uniformity
        elevated LF PF test results (measured and   which exists in these ITC factors is a clear indication that the H3 bushing has a different
        temperature-corrected) which were notably   insulation condition than H1 and H2 bushings.
        greater than results for the sister bushings
        mounted on the same transformer.     Transformer bushing C1 test investigation
        Accordingly, the individual temperature   ITC factors are far more accurate than TC factors accessed in a look-up table. To underscore
        corrected LF PF test results for bushings   the problem with temperature-correction look-up tables, consider the following:
        H1 and H2 earned the bushings good (G)   •   If the end-user had relied on correction tables, the TC factor would have been determined
        ratings while the individual temperature   based upon the average of the ambient and bushing temperatures. This would have
        corrected LF PF test result for bushing H3   resulted in a TC factor close to unity for all three bushings – valid for bushings H1 and H2
        resulted in an ageing (A) assessment.   but not for H3.
           The test results also display an   •   Bushing H3 would have been removed in this scenario due to a >1% PF value. However,
        interesting anomaly in the ‘individual   had the bushing been tested at 10°C instead of at approximately 30°C, its measured and
        temperature correction’ values. A      temperature-corrected PF test results by look-up tables may have been low enough to
        temperature-correction (TC) factor is used   pass acceptance criteria as a normal, service-aged unit.

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