Page 51 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 51


        Broken conductors and negative

        sequence overcurrent protection

        Information from NOJA Power

        A broken conductor can be a nightmare for a power systems engineer. Most network protection
        elements are designed to operate when there is too much phase current, but in the case of a broken
        conductor, it’s the absence of current that is of concern. Aside from browning-out or shedding
        downstream loads, broken conductors can cause fires and go undetected by conventional overcurrent
        or earth fault protection relaying techniques.

            ortunately, understanding the physics of the broken conductor   In the AC distribution world, symmetrical components are not
            network scenario is not too difficult, and while the three-wire   confined to currents alone. Voltages and impedances can also be
       Fand four-wire distribution network topologies yield slightly   represented in sequence component format, greatly simplifying
        different network responses, a sound understanding of these   fault analysis. When we consider the case of broken conductors it is
        concepts will help detect and protect against this fault scenario.   important to acknowledge that:
                                                               •   Voltage sources are confined to the positive sequence elements
        Fortescue’s Symmetrical Component theory               •   There is equivalent positive, negative and zero sequence
        Firstly, it’s worthwhile understanding Fortescue’s Symmetrical   impedance for a distribution network
        Component theory, which we can use to map measured
        phase currents and voltages to the positive, negative and zero   Three-wire three-phase systems
        sequence components. This mapping process allows us to   When considering the broken conductor scenario, let’s consider
        ignore imbalances between phases during faults, making the fault   what happens on a three-wire system first.
        analysis process much easier. Fundamentally, most alternating   As a first step in analysis, it’s worth understanding what the
        current (AC) protection techniques use this transformation process   broken conductor will mean for each of the phase currents. With
        to detect faults.                                      a discontinuity in Phase A, as shown in Figure 1, we effectively
                                                               remove the current flow through that phase. Despite the three-phase
                                                               generators’ efforts to push current through the lines, we can assume
                                                               that no current flows, leaving us with a clear imbalance. We can
                                                               redraw the circuit as per Figure 2.
                                                                  For the seasoned protection engineer, Figure 2 greatly
                                                               resembles the fault analysis of a phase-to-phase fault, which
                                                               generally makes sense. In a phase-to-phase fault, the un-faulted
        Where:                                                 phase would seem to have infinite impedance in comparison to
                                                               a fault between the two other conductors. The only difference is
                                                               that in a phase-to-phase fault, we would only consider the line
                                                               impedance, while with a broken conductor scenario we would
                                                               consider the load impedance. For phase-to-phase faults, in the
                                                               broken conductor scenario on a three-phase line, our equivalent
                                                               circuit would become as shown in Figure 3.

        By entering the values for each phasor measurement, we can
        derive the magnitude and phase of each of the sequence
        components. In the ideal theoretical world, a healthy distribution
        feeder should exhibit no imbalance, and should therefore
        only have positive sequence current. You can confirm this by
        substituting a set of balanced current phasors into the equations
        and checking that the result adds to zero for every equation
        except the positive sequence.                          Figure 1: A three-wire system with a broken conductor in Phase A

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