Page 55 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 55


        Overall efficiency improvement with the subsequent energy   provide a lower energy consumption in pump units with variable fluid
        savings in EMDS can only be achieved with an integrated   flow. The study further shows that IE4 class motors may not provide
        system consisting of well-matched and highly efficient individual   significant advantages over IE3 class motors when they are used in
        components, operated according to the required load in an   variable flow fixed-speed applications.
        efficient way. Complete system optimisation falls outside the   Thus, the selection of an electric motor based on its IE energy
        scope of this article, and the focus will be on the use of efficient   efficiency class will not necessarily result in minimum energy
        motors and VFDs.                                       consumption in a number of applications, such as variable flow
                                                               pumps. It should be noted that for frequency-controlled electric
        Electric motor efficiency                              motors, the IEC 60034-30-2 standard (SATS 60034-30-2:2020)
        Many countries have adopted minimum energy performance   establishes the efficiencies in seven load modes different from the
        standards (MEPS) for electric motors based on IEC standard IEC   rated mode. IEC 60034-2-3, 2020 specifies a test method for motors
        60034-30-1 (SATS 60034-30-1). There is currently no MEPS for   driven by converters, while IEC TS 60034-30-2, 2016, covers an
        electric motors in South Africa, and it is possible to buy motors of   efficiency classification for motors driven by converters.
        any efficiency rating, provided they comply with safety standards.   With the prevalence of offerings of motor and motor drive
        Initiated by the DMRE, the South African National Energy   as a combination unit, some industries have adopted the power
        Development Institute (SANEDI) is expanding its Energy Efficiency   drive system (PDS) concept and specify PDS efficiency instead of
        Standards and Labelling (S&L) programme to study the energy   motor efficiency. Some countries have adopted a system of PDS
        use of motors available in South Africa and suggest new minimum   efficiency labelling similar to motor efficiency labelling.  Because
        energy performance standards. 1                        of the increasing popularity of matched drive, motor and pump
                                                               combination units, certain industries are considering an EMP
        The IEC standard identifies four efficiency classes:   efficiency labelling system. 4
        •   IE1-Standard efficiency
        •   IE2- High efficiency                               Variable speed control or VFD
        •   IE3-Premium efficiency                             Rotary machines such as pumps, fans and compressors
        •   IE4-Super premium efficiency                       comprise 70%  of motor applications. For the purpose of this
                                                               article, we shall consider the application of VFD in a centrifugal
        The efficiency rating varies with motor size and type. Figure 3 shows   pumping system. Centrifugal pumps comprise 80% of all
        an efficiency chart for 4-pole motors.                 industrial pumps. Pumps are one of the most common variable
           The IE5 ultra-premium efficiency class has not been specified   speed drive (VSD) system applications and special interest has
        in standards yet, but some manufacturers have already developed   focused on improving their energy efficiency by using variable
        motors which will comply to that standard.             speed control instead of throttling or other less efficient flow
                                                               control methods.

                                                               Traditional pump control methods
                                                               The most common parameter to be controlled in a pumping system
                                                               is the flow rate. The conventional control method is to run the
                                                               pump at full speed and control the flow by mechanical means. The
                                                               parameters of the pump and system that control operation are:
                                                               •   Head: The net work done on a unit weight of water by the pump
                                                                  impeller. It is the amount of energy added to the water between
                                                                  the suction and discharge sides of the pump. Pump head is
                                                                  measured as the pressure difference between the discharge and
                                                                  suction sides of the pump.
                                                               •   Static head: The vertical distance from the water level at
                                                                  the source to the highest point where the water must be
        Figure 3 Efficiency classes for 4 Pole motors (IEC)
                                                                  delivered. It is the sum of static lift and static discharge.
                                                                  Static head is independent of the system discharge and is
        Energy efficiency ratings                                 constant for all values of discharge. However, it is possible
        While the energy efficiency of an electric motor is measured at full   that the static head may vary over time due to the changes in
        load, the efficiency varies with load. Many electric drives will be   the system.
        operated at less than the maximum load for much of the operating   •   System curve: This defines the characteristics of the system
        cycle, and this needs to be considered when selecting a motor.   that the pump feeds; it quantifies the resistance in a system due
           In pump units, electric motors often run at half or even a quarter   to friction and elevation change over the range of flows.
        of their rated power value for a significant part of the time, and as   •   Operating point: A centrifugal pump can operate at a
        a result, exhibit a reduced efficiency. Existing standards do not   combination of head and discharge points given by its pump
        establish the minimum efficiencies at loads below the rated value for   curve. The particular combination of head and discharge at
        electric motors powered directly from the mains.          which a pump is operating is called the pump’s operating point.
           Studies  have shown that that the use of an electric motor with   Once this point is determined, brake power, efficiency and net
        a higher efficiency at the rated load (high energy efficiency class,   positive suction head required for the pump can be obtained
        according to IEC 60034-30-1 (SATS 60034-30-1) does not always   from the set of pump curves.

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